Socialization of the Preparation of the Village and Regional Data Integration System for Nganjuk Regency
SurveyMETER in collaboration with the Nganjuk district government through the Communications and Information (Kominfo) Service and the Health Servi
Wednesday, 30/09/2020

Training for Facilitators for the Study of the Data Integration System for Kelurahan/Village and Nganjuk District
Training for Facilitator for the Urban/Rural Villages Data Integration System of the Regional Nganjuk District.
Wednesday, 14/10/2020

STPSP Data Editor Training in Nganjuk Regency
After the Field Officer Training was completed on October 2018, the Study on the Development of Integrated System for Data-Based
Friday, 02/11/2018
Training of Nganjuk Regency STPSP Field Officers
The series of activities on the Study of Integrated System Development for Handling Data-Based Stunting at the Puskesmas Level (S
Tuesday, 23/10/2018
Socialization and Collaborative Agreement on Study of Integrated System Development for Handling Data-Based Stunting at the Puskesmas Level (STPSP) in Nganjuk Regency
Integrated System Development Study Activity for Managing Data-Based Stunting at the Puskesmas Level (STPSP) in Nganjuk District
Thursday, 04/10/2018
STATA Training for 4th Generation IFLS Data Processing
On 18-21 September 2018 SurveyMETER held a STATA Training for the 4th Generation of Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) Data Pro
Tuesday, 18/09/2018

Encouraging the Birth of a Humanitarian Policy in Bali: Exposure to Dissemination of the Results of the Bali Dementia Study 2018
The activity "Encouraging the Birth of a Humanitarian Policy in Bali: Exposure of Dissemination of the Results of the 2018 Bali D
Monday, 16/07/2018
STATA Training for 3rd Generation IFLS Data Processing
On April 24-27 2018 SurveyMETER held a 3rd Generation STATA Training for Data Processing of the IFLS (Indonesian Family Life Surv
Tuesday, 24/04/2018
Berita Terkini
Wednesday, 12/12/2012
Thursday, 12/09/2024
Wednesday, 15/05/2024