STPSP Data Editor Training in Nganjuk Regency
- Tanggal : 02/11/2018 - 03/11/2018
- Lokasi : Ruang Pertemuan Puskesmas Patianrowo, Kabupaten Nganjuk
After the Field Officer Training was completed on October 2018, the Study on the Development of Integrated System for Data-Based Stunting Management at the Puskesmas Level (STPSP) in Nganjuk District continued with the training of prospective data editors. Data editor training was held on 02-03 November 2018 in the Meeting Room of the Patianrowo Community Health Center.
There were 15 trainees consisting of young staff from the Patianrowo Community Health Center and young people from villages in Patianrowo District. The selection of data editor officer candidates with these qualifications is intended so that the process of transfer (sharing) of knowledge to the surrounding community which is one of the objectives of the study can be achieved. The data editor has the duty to examine and enter data collected by the interviewer in a computer application.
The editorial candidate training was assisted by the Head of IT Support SurveyMETER Section Iip Umar Rifa'i, Roni Hermoko's Acting Coordinator, as well as IT Support staff Dhanang Prasetya, assisted by 4 activity facilitators.