Comparative Study on the Progress of 14 Elderly-Friendly Cities 2017 in Indonesia
SurveyMETER conducted an independent study on the progress of the elderly-friendly cities policy in 14 municipalities in Indonesi
Tuesday, 02/05/2017
The Eight Dimensions of the Regional Regulation are the Reference for the City of Malang in the Implementation of the Elderly Program
As the comparative study on the progress of an elderly-friendly city", conducted by the SurveyMETER research team.
Monday, 08/05/2017

Makassar City Plans a Sustainability Program that Refers to the 8 Dimensions of WHO Elderly Friendly Cities
Starting in 2017, the Makassar city government plans an elderly program that is in accordance with the 8 dimensions of an elderly-friendly city com
Friday, 12/05/2017
In Surabaya, the Welfare of the Elderly is the Responsibility of the Government, Families, and Society
The city of Surabaya has strived for the welfare of the elderly by implementing a number of special policies aimed at extending the life expectancy
Tuesday, 16/05/2017

The results of the SurveyMETER study are taken into consideration by the Yogyakarta City Work Unit in preparing the Regional Long Term Development Plan (RPJMD) related to the Sustainability Policy
The study results serve as inputs for Bappeko and related government work units in the preparation of the Strategic Plan (RENSTRA) and the Regional
Sunday, 21/05/2017

The Term of Elderly-Friendly City was Still Sounds Strange in Mataram
The term "the Elderly-Friendly City " is a brand-new phrase for the City of Mataram. It sounds strange to the ears of policymakers in the city.
Monday, 29/05/2017

Payakumbuh is an Example of the Elderly-Friendly City Program
SurveyMETER melakukan studi independen untuk melihat kemajuan Kebijakan Kota Ramah Lanjut Usia di Kota Payakumbuh.
Wednesday, 31/05/2017
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Wednesday, 12/12/2012
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