Socialization and Collaborative Agreement on Study of Integrated System Development for Handling Data-Based Stunting at the Puskesmas Level (STPSP) in Nganjuk Regency
- Tanggal : 04/10/2018 - 04/10/2018
- Lokasi : Balai Desa Ngrombot Kecamatan Patianrowo Kabupaten Nganjuk
Integrated System Development Study Activity for Managing Data-Based Stunting at the Puskesmas Level (STPSP) in Nganjuk District enters a socialization phase followed by the signing of a cooperation agreement. The event was held Thursday morning (04/10/2018) yesterday at the Ngrombot Village Hall, Patianrowo District, Nganjuk Regency.
The agreement was signed by SurveyMETER and the Nganjuk District Health Office. The signatory of the SurveyMETER is Roni Hermoko as the coordinator of the activities and from the Nganjuk District Health Office doctor Achmad Noeroel Cholis as the head of the service. Patianrowo Sub-District Secretary, Bambang WK SE; Patianrowo police chief, AKP Joni Suprapto SH; and Danramil Patianrowo, Infantry Captain Sudarsono. The signing process was also witnessed by the Head of Public Health at the Nganjuk District Health Office, Guruh Hari W; Nganjuk Regency Bappeda Representative; Head of the Patianrowo Health Center, Mamik Endang; and 11 village government representatives in the Patianrowo District area.