Ekspose Laporan Akhir Penyusunan Instrumen Evidence Based Policy Kabupaten Rembang
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Wednesday, 21/12/2016
FGD Preparation of Evidence-Based Policy Studies in the District of Rembang
SurveyMETER and BAPPEDA of the Rembang district conducted a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on the Preparation of
Tuesday, 22/11/2016

Dissemination of Dementia Study Results to Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X
SurveyMETER conveyed the 3rd Dementia Study's results dissemination in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) t
Monday, 15/08/2016

IFLS5 Launch to Policymakers
SurveyMETER held the IFLS5 launching to policymakers (government) in the form of a one-day seminar titled "Indo
Tuesday, 02/08/2016

SUPER-INA Field Assistant Training
The Health Services and Financing Survey in the Primary Service Level National Health Insurance Era in Indonesi
Sunday, 08/05/2016

STATA Basic Training for the JHPiego Jakarta Staff
The Johns Hopkins Program for International Education in Gynecology and Obstetrics (JHPiego) Jakarta trusted Su
Thursday, 19/05/2016
Berita Terkini
Wednesday, 12/12/2012
Thursday, 12/09/2024
Wednesday, 15/05/2024