IFLS5 Launch to Policymakers
- Tanggal : 02/08/2016 - 02/08/2016
- Lokasi : Hotel Sari Pan Pacific, Jalan MH Thamrin, Jakarta
SurveyMETER held the IFLS5 launching to policymakers (government) in the form of a one-day seminar titled "Indonesia Family Life Survey 1993–2014: the Study, Role, and Potential of Longitudinal Data for Development" under full support of the Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI). It was held at the Hotel Sari Pan Pacific Jalan M.H. Thamrin Jakarta on Tuesday, August 2, 2016.
SurveyMETER organized The Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS 5) data launching 2014 event in four sessions. Each session begins with an explanation of the working paper resulting from the 1993-2014 IFLS data analysis, then continues with a discussion from experts on related issues, and concludes with a question-and-answer discussion from the seminar participants. Dozens of participants came from policy-making institutions, both government and private, also experts and researchers who attended the seminar.
The presenters, speakers, and seminar discussants were John Strauss (University of Southern California), Ni Wayan Suriastini (Executive Director - SurveyMETER), Mesdin Kornelis Simarmata (Director of Trade, Investment and Economic Cooperation, International - BAPPENAS), Nicola Nixon (Counsellor for Poverty and Social Development - DFAT), Gantjang Amanullah (Director of People's Welfare Statistics - BPS), Elan Satriawan (Head of the TNP2K Policy Working Group), and Yanuar Nugroho (Deputy II for Studies and Management of Priority Programs - the Indonesian Presidential Staff Office), Maliki (BAPPENAS), Firman Witoelar (SurveyMETER), Yudo Wicaksono (SurveyMETER), Evita Pangaribowo (Faculty of Geography - UGM), Daniel Suryadharma (INOVASI), R. Giri Wuryandaru (Ministry of Health), Puti Marzoeki (World Bank), Heru Prasetyo Kasidi (Ministry of PPA), Muhammad Karyana (Ministry of Health), and Edhie S. Rahmat (USAID).
The event commenced with introductions from John Strauss, Ni Wayan Suriastini, Mesdin Kornelis Simarmata, and Nicola Nixon, then followed by Gantjang Amanullah, Elan Satriawan, and Yanuar Nugroho delivered the keynote and opened the agenda. (JF)