27 July 2020

Kata Kunci
social welfare, economy, science and technology, politics, culture, demography


Laporan Penelitian

WVS Phase 7 Indonesia Team

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The 7th Wave of World Value Survey Indonesia

The World Values Survey is designed to test the hypothesis that economic and technological change changes the basic values and motivations of industrial societies.

The WVS network has produced more than 300 publications in 20 languages and secondary users have produced several thousand additional publications. The WVS database has been published on the internet with free access, while maintaining the confidentiality of information sources and conducting it with clear management and protection of all components of informants in the study.

In general, this study aims to obtain information about the factors that influence inter-generational changes in terms of view from political factors, economic life, religion, gender roles, family norms and sexual norms.

There are 13 themes in this survey, among others: Social welfare, economics, science and technology, politics, culture and demographics.

WVS data can be used by all groups from social researchers, academicians, students to policy makers to sharpen the analysis. Therefore the conclusions obtained are more complete and the resulting recommendations can be more holistic.

The 7th Wave of World Value Survey Indonesia data collected by SurveyMETER with 3200 respondents, spread in 20 provinces in Indonesia can be accessed through the following link:

