Enhancing decent work among older people engaged in nature-based solutions in Indonesia

By definition, nature-based solutions (NbS) provide many environmental and social benefits for older people (e.g. greater food security).

Friday, 31/05/2024



The Well-Being of Older Asians to the Fore

Wednesday, 15/05/2024

Older People’s Capacity to Work in Indonesia

“Older People’s Capacity to Work in Indonesia”

Tuesday, 30/04/2024

Measuring Disaster Recovery: Lessons Learned from Early Recovery in Post-Tsunami Area of Aceh, Indonesia

In the same timeframe of post-disaster recovery, the medium and heavily-damaged areas were improving, nonetheless, the lightly-damaged areas showed

Monday, 18/12/2023

A US $120 Million Nutrition Project had no significant impact on stunting reduction in Indonesia

SurveyMETER and Mathematica Inc, Washington DC conducted an evaluation study of the Community-Based Health and Nutrition to Reduce Stunting Project

Friday, 15/12/2023

Study Report on Health and Older Adults Care Services in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY)

SurveyMETER supports the Karinakas Foundation in conducting studies using quantitative-qualitative (mixed) methods involving local-domestic residents to collect data on the situation and conditions of the older citizens population.

Wednesday, 06/09/2023

Exposure to the Indian Ocean Tsunami shapes the HPA-axis resulting in HPA “burnout” 14 years later

Despite significant research on the effects of stress on the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis, questions remain regarding long-term impact

Tuesday, 17/10/2023

cover PAUD

Adaptation of ECED During the COVID-19 Pandemic

SurveyMETER carried out the ECED Adaptation Study during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Special Region of Yogyakarta from January to March 2021, with the support of the Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI).

Thursday, 27/07/2023

MewujudkanLansia SMART

Actualizing SMART Older Adults: Lessons from the Community-Based Elderly Health Study

Indonesia is currently experiencing an aging population. More than 10% of its population is elderly, with the highest percentage of 15.7% being in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY).

Monday, 24/07/2023