Indonesia Longitudinal Aging Survey (ILAS) 2023


Population aging is a megatrend reshaping the economy and society in Asia and the Pacific. The region's population aged 60 and above is forecast to double from 567.7 million in 2022 to 1.2 billion in 2050, accounting for a quarter of the regional population. Rapid demographic transition entails challenges and opportunities for societies, older people, and their families in the region, including in Indonesia, which has witnessed steady growth in the number and share of its population aged 60 years or older.

15 May 2024

Kata Kunci
Aging in Asia


Laporan Penelitian

Asian Development Bank

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The Well-Being of Older Asians to the Fore

Developing Asia is aging rapidly, with the pace accelerating in some economies. Greater longevity is an achievement of long-term socioeconomic development in the Asia and Pacific region, but it also poses new challenges. While older people, those aged 60 and above, accounted for 13.5% of the regional population in 2022, that figure is expected to nearly double to 25.2% by 2050. While aging is more advanced in some economies, even relatively younger ones are facing rapid demographic transition. The unprecedented speed of population aging in Asia and the Pacific stands out, with the onset happening at lower incomes than when advanced economies faced this change. The speed of change in economies like the Republic of Korea (ROK) and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) even outpaced earlier projections as birth rates plunged. A concern across the region is the risk that societies will grow old before they amass sufficient resources to adequately support their aging populations.

Absolute poverty for older people has declined, but relative poverty remains substantial. Available data from 22 economies in developing Asia indicate that the incidence of extreme poverty among those aged 65+ declined from 13.1% in 2010–2015 to 3.2% in 2016–2022. This improvement mirrored a reduction in poverty across all age groups in the region. However, in many regional economies, relative poverty rates for older people exceed those of the entire population. Further, conventional poverty data may not capture some complexities of poverty for older people, such as being disadvantaged in resource allocation within households. Population aging may exacerbate inequality by widening income gaps between older people and between them and younger people.

These are among the highlights of a study report from The Asian Development Bank (ADB) regarding population aging in several countries in Asia. In Indonesia, the study was carried out by SurveyMETER at the end of 2022 to early 2023 under the name Indonesia Longitudinal Aging Survey (ILAS). The complete report can be downloaded at the following link:


Indonesia Longitudinal Aging Survey (ILAS) 2023


Population aging is a megatrend reshaping the economy and society in Asia and the Pacific. The region's population aged 60 and above is forecast to double from 567.7 million in 2022 to 1.2 billion in 2050, accounting for a quarter of the regional population. Rapid demographic transition entails challenges and opportunities for societies, older people, and their families in the region, including in Indonesia, which has witnessed steady growth in the number and share of its population aged 60 years or older.

06 September 2023

Kata Kunci
pendampingan lansia, layanan lansia di komunitas



SurveyMETER, Yayasan Karinakas

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Study Report on Health and Older Adults Care Services in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY)

Cover laporan studi lansia 2023

SurveyMETER supports the Karinakas Foundation in conducting studies using quantitative-qualitative (mixed) methods involving local-domestic residents to collect data on the situation and conditions of the older citizens population. This study was conducted in two pilot villages for the Elderly Assistance Program, Karangasem Village of the District of Gunung Kidul and Girikerto Village of the District of Sleman, from August to December 2022. The older citizen population recorded consisted of 1,294 women and 1,078 men, with the dominant composition being aged 60-69 years old.

Many older adult residents live with family members, although 222 elderly residents live alone. The proportion of elderly household income is also quite worrying, of which 48.3% have an average income of less than 1 million rupiah per month. This means that 42 out of 100 elderly households admit that they need social and economic assistance programs, such as the Family Hope Program (PKH/Indonesian Conditional Cash Transfer Program), Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT), and others.

This household's economic condition is intertwined with a level of dependency that makes the older adults increasingly vulnerable. In both pilot villages, one in thirteen senior citizens needs long-term care (LTC), as physical decline requires assistance with mobility, therapy, social contact, and daily necessities. However, this study shows the opposite condition since almost every caregiver has not equipped themselves with skills in long-term care for older citizens. For example, most family members still encounter difficulties communicating with older adults with communication/cognitive problems. In addition, even though one in five older adults needs help with bathing, eating, dressing, and going to the toilet, caregivers do not have the skills yet to do this. In addition, the number of older citizens who receive home visit services is still very worrying. In Girikerto Village, only three out of 1,252 older adults receive home-visiting care services. Meanwhile, in Karangasem Village, out of 1,117 older adults, not even a single older adult received similar care services. Therefore, this study recommends an integrated service for long-term care for socio-economically vulnerable and dependent elderly.

SurveyMETER, akin to the technical implementer of the study, is responsible for collecting data and compiling analysis reports related to the study findings. Here is the link to download this study report.

pdf favLaporan Analisis_Studi Lansia_Karinakas_final_r.pdf


19 October 2023

Kata Kunci
older rural women entrepreneurs in Central Java


Laporan Penelitian

Ni Wayan Suriastini (SurveyMETER), Eva AJ Sabdono (Yayasan Emong Lansia), Fita Herawati (SurveyMETER), Ernis Asanti (SurveyMETER), Titis Putri Ambarwati (SurveyMETER)

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Examining decent work in Indonesia: Experiences of older rural women entrepreneurs in Central Java

Executive summary

Indonesia’s a trend of population ageing has been accompanied by an increase of older people who, despite various challenges, continue to be productive and contribute to the economy. However, evidence regarding decent work in Indonesia is limited and particularly lacking when it comes to informal work in rural areas. There is a need for up-to-date evidence identifying the challenges related to decent work and risk factors that are barriers to decent work. Research of this kind can support the development of improved policies and programmes. This research focuses specifically on rural women entrepreneurs in Central Java, in particular their quality of work, motivation to develop their businesses and what key challenges they are facing.

To fulfil the study objectives, a mixed methods research approach was applied. For the quantitative study, 100 older women entrepreneurs from 10 villages of two sub-districts in Purworejo, Central Java, Indonesia were interviewed. Individual interviews were conducted with another 10 older women entrepreneurs from those villages (one person for each village) as part of a qualitative study. In addition, focus group discussions with 11 older women entrepreneurs were conducted in two villages from the same sub-districts which were not part of the quantitative and in-depth interviews. Data was analysed using descriptive statistics and a series of logistic regressions. Qualitative data was used to complement the analysis.

The research findings show that the most common reason given by the study participants for continuing to work is the motivation to be economically independent. Their choice of specific business is related to the skills involved. Most older women entrepreneurs in rural areas were found to be working in the trading sectors, especially running grocery stores and selling vegetables, fruits, or meats (retail traders). Most were running the business inside their house, working excessive hours (>40 hours) and earning low incomes (≤IDR 1.500.000 per month or ≤ USD 100). Most reported using their savings to start a business and not taking loans during the past 12 months because they fear not being able to repay it. Economic aspects (limited market demand, competition, high cost of materials, operational costs) as well as barriers related to operating the business (many in-debt customers and declining health and physical condition) were also found to be common barriers to running a business.

Compared to the oldest-old women (70 years or older), the youngest-old women (60 to 69 years) were found to be more likely to take risks while running their business and thus be more exposed to poor conditions that could affect their health. Across both age groups of older women, a higher educational level was found to be positively associated with decent work hours and higher income. Support from the closest people was also found to positively affect decent work for older women entrepreneurs in rural areas. There was a greater likelihood of having higher income associated with living with more household members; using roads that are safe and in good condition; and having a healthy environment for their enterprise. Finally, business sectors and location were also found to be significant factors associated with some aspects of decent work such as not working excessive hours; low risk of respiratory problems linked to the use of a firewood stove; not having physically burdensome business activities; using protective equipment; and having savings.

For complete details, visit and download the study report via the following HelpAge International website:


17 October 2022

Kata Kunci
Adminduk, Penguatan Adminduk dan Statistik Hayati (PASH)


Laporan Penelitian

Marsha Habib

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Lessons Learned from Efforts to Support Strengthening Inclusive and Accountable Services

SurveyMETER, in collaboration with PUSKAPA UI under the support of KOMPAK, the Australian Government, and the Ministry of National Development Planning/BAPPENAS, is appealing back doing a study documenting the achievements of the Strengthening Population Administration and Vital Statistics (PASH) program in 2021.

The PASH program supports the government's efforts to overcome various obstacles experienced by local governments and citizens as well as contributes to expediting coverage of legal identity documents to guarantee their rights in several regions throughout 2015-2021. SurveyMETER has been undertaking studies related to the PASH program Since 2019.  

The following is a link to the Fact Sheets on the results of the 2021 PASH study prepared by PUSKAPA—which is a synthesis of implementation documentation and findings conclusions of the PASH flagship program that aims to provide a comprehensive picture of the passage, results, and lesson learned of the program since the initial study in 2015, program design in 2016, until gradual implementation from 2016 to December 2021.

11 April 2022

Kata Kunci
Digital Economic, Ultra-Micro-Entrepreneurs in Indonesia


Laporan Penelitian

Women’s World Banking

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Report: Economic Resilience and Digital Adoption among Ultra-Micro-Entrepreneurs in Indonesia

From August to September 2021 SurveyMETER in collaboration with Women's World Banking conducted a Study of Economic Resilience and Digital Adoption of Ultra Micro Actors in Indonesia. The study was using the phone survey method.

This research was conducted qualitatively and quantitatively by interviewing ultra-micro entrepreneurs who received ultra-micro loans and those who did not.

The research takes pictures from how the power of digital platforms helps ultra-micro business actors who have become the main livelihood of women to how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted their businesses.

The research report has been published by Women's World Banking. To download the report, click on the following link:


09 January 2021

Kata Kunci
Measuring The Quality of MoRA’S Education Services


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Measuring The Quality of MoRA’S Education Services

In 2019 SurveyMETER for the trust of the World Bank and MoRA carried out the Indonesian Education Service Indicator Survey (SIPP). This survey was carried out in collaboration with the Government of Indonesia and the World Bank. In the English version, this study is called Service Delivery Indicators Survey Indonesia

Survey visited 350 primary schools and collected data from 1,838 teachers and 3,368 Grade 4 students to assess the quality of education service delivery in a nationally representative sample of schools of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and a smaller sample of schools of the Ministry of Education and Culture. We found that students were on average 1.5 years behind the learning level expected for 4th grade, representing a learning crisis. These low levels of learning were associated with high levels of teacher absence, low levels of availability of textbooks, and low levels of teacher subject knowledge and pedagogy skills but high levels of student satisfaction. We find higher levels of learning for students who have ever attended early childhood education, those who have eaten breakfast on the day of the assessment, as well as for female students. We offer some recommendations for addressing these challenges, drawing from schools with higher levels of student learning in the sample.

The full survey report can be downloaded at the following link:

27 July 2020

Kata Kunci
social welfare, economy, science and technology, politics, culture, demography


Laporan Penelitian

WVS Phase 7 Indonesia Team

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The 7th Wave of World Value Survey Indonesia

The World Values Survey is designed to test the hypothesis that economic and technological change changes the basic values and motivations of industrial societies.

The WVS network has produced more than 300 publications in 20 languages and secondary users have produced several thousand additional publications. The WVS database has been published on the internet with free access, while maintaining the confidentiality of information sources and conducting it with clear management and protection of all components of informants in the study.

In general, this study aims to obtain information about the factors that influence inter-generational changes in terms of view from political factors, economic life, religion, gender roles, family norms and sexual norms.

There are 13 themes in this survey, among others: Social welfare, economics, science and technology, politics, culture and demographics.

WVS data can be used by all groups from social researchers, academicians, students to policy makers to sharpen the analysis. Therefore the conclusions obtained are more complete and the resulting recommendations can be more holistic.

The 7th Wave of World Value Survey Indonesia data collected by SurveyMETER with 3200 respondents, spread in 20 provinces in Indonesia can be accessed through the following link:


16 July 2020

Kata Kunci


Laporan Penelitian


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Report on the Results of the Study on Individual Deprivation Measure (IDM) in Indonesia 2018

SurveyMETER released the results of the 2018 Individual Deprivation Measure (IDM) Study in Jeneponto and Pangkep districts, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. It was carried out in collaboration with the Australian National University (ANU), the International Women's Development Agency (IWDA), and the Australian Government by the agency of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).

The IDM Program is a partnership between ANU, IWDA, and the Australian government through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). The goal is that by 2020 the IDM is ready for global use as an individual measure of deprivation and a tool for tracking how development is changing the lives of the most deprived. By interviewing multiple adult members of the same household, the IDM helps to reveal inequality within households where it exists. 

The IDM Indonesia Study is the first investigation to use the revised and expanded IDM survey tool following a detailed review of the survey tool. Cognitive testing was conducted to ensure that the more complex IDM questions were well understood by survey respondents and that the questions measured what should be intended to and could be easy to speak effectively.

The study reports are compiled in short papers bilingually English and Indonesian, also distinguished from those based on overall data and based on data per district, Jeneponto and Pangkep.

Here are links to papers that refer to the overall data:[]=indonesia


The following is a link to study reports and papers with data from the district of Pangkajene and the Islands (Pangkep):


The following are links to study reports and papers with data from the district of Jeneponto:

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