The Indonesia Family Life Survey East is a large scale multi-topic household and community survey of living conditions that was conducted to cover the Eastern provinces in Indonesia. It is based on the Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS), fielded by the RAND Corporation in collaboration with Survey METER.
The IFLS East was conducted in 2012 by SurveyMETER on behalf of TNP2K, PRSF, and the AusAID. The survey collects data on individuals, their households, the communities in which they live as well as the health and education facilities in those communities. The survey was administered to around 10,000 individuals in 2,500 households living in 99 communities (enumeration areas) that are spread in seven provinces in eastern Indonesia: Nusa Tenggara Timur, Kalimantan Timur, Sulawesi Tenggara, Maluku, Maluku Utara, Papua Barat and Papua.
Project Team
The preparation for the IFLS East fieldwork started in early 2012. The survey design and instruments of the IFLS East were based on the Indonesia Family Life Surveys conducted by RAND Corporation. In particular the IFLS East survey instruments are based on IFLS 4 that was conducted by RAND Corporation, SurveyMETER, and PSKK UGM in 2007. John Strauss, Bondan Sikoki, Firman Witoelar, and Elan Satriawan (TNP2K) were responsible for the questionnaire development. John Giles (The World Bank) and Pandu Harimurti (The World Bank) provided valuable contributions. Witoelar’s work on the preparation and the fieldwork of IFLS East was supported by the Knowledge for Change Program at the World Bank.
The sampling design for the IFLS East was developed by Erik Meijer (USC) with inputs from Strauss. Meijer was also responsible for constructing the sample weights with inputs from Strauss, Witoelar, and the field team.
During the preparation and throughout the fieldwork, SurveyMETER coordinated closely with Fiona Howell (TNP2K), Patrick Sweeting (PRSF), and Peter Riddle-Care (PRSF). From SurveyMETER, six staff played important roles in the fieldwork: SurveyMETER Dani Alfah coordinated the household listing, Edy Purwanto was the survey coordinator for the HH survey, and Nasirudin was the survey coordinator for the CF Survey. Nur Suci Arnashanti, Amalia Rifana Widiastuti, and Danang Prasetya were responsible for writing the data entry programs and managing the field data. Danang Prasetya (SurveyMETER) was the programmer responsible for preparing the data for public use under the supervision of Witoelar.