Book of Memanusiakan Lanjut Usia
SurveyMETER desire to publish the results of the activities carried out in book form can be realized independently. In August, SurveyMETER published book Humanizing the Elderly; Aging Population and Development in non- commercial. To make it easier to get the ISBN number, the publication of this book in collaboration with INSISTPress. So the book is included in the National Library Cataloging-in- Publishing 978-602-8384-65-0 with ISBN numbers.
This book is an anthology edited from exposure to the speakers and discussion participants Workshop "Population Aging and development: Documentation, Challenges and Next Steps" organized by SurveyMETER together with Yayasan Emong Lansia (YEL), Centre For Ageing Studies University of Indonesia (CAS UI) with the suport of the knowledge sector program AusAID on 19-20 November 2012 in Yogyakarta.
The workshop brings together more than 150 participants with 29 speakers who are leaders of relevant stakeholders including the Aging Population: Prof. Ali Gufron Mukti (Deputy Minister of Health), Dr . Maliki Achmad (Bappenas), Dr . Toni Hartono (Chairman of the National Commission for the Elderly), Prof Dr. Haryono Suyono Damandiri Foundation, representatives of various other NGOs, academics, and representatives of the public and International Institutions and Representative Seniors.
Taken together the material presented speakers, discussion participants raised a very up to date, diverse and covers various aspects kelanjutusiaan in Indonesia. Coupled with a variety of challenges revealed and will offer step -up makes this book discusses holistsik ageing in Indonesia so it can be used as a reference, advocacy materials and material dissemination and decision making.
This book is at once evocative of all components of the nation's effort to give attention to ageing. Perhaps this time is not directly making the main priority but need to start integrating the various aspects ageing development, activities and policies of government, the Institute of Representatives, community, family, individual, and including also the elderly.
In addition to the publication of this book, Aging Population and development workshop was followed by the establishment of the Network Seniors Indonesian Observer abbreviated to 'JALA Indonesia'. JALA Indonesia is an independent network Stakeholders Elderly in Indonesia. This network was established in February 15, 2013 in Yogyakarta as a follow- up to recommendations of the workshop.
SurveyMETER distributed hundreds of copies of this book free of charge to clients, partners, agencies, stakeholders and relevant institutions Indonesian ageing issues. Starting from the president to the number of regents / mayors who became friendly city assessment study area seniors who have done SurveyMETER independently. The book is also displayed in bookstores in Yogyakarta. Model division and distribution of the books thus designed with the intent to convey the message that the handling ageing problem in this country is the joint responsibility of all components of the nation. (JF) Download