2016 T4D Program Intervention Observation Survey

Thursday, 11/02/2016Yogyakarta


SurveyMETER conducts observational research on intervention programs in partnership with the Transparency for Development (T4D) Program. This study represents the second observational phase of the third follow-up meeting between the community mobilization (PW) group in the intervention village and field facilitators from PATTIRO. The study was carried out in February and March of 2016.

The project was currently in the training phase for field research assistants. From February 9–11, 2016, the training took place at the Cakra Kusuma Hotel on Jalan Kaliurang in Yogyakarta.

In addition to monitoring meetings between the PW group and the facilitator, this follow-up study included key informant interviews conducted in the intervention communities. The T4D Program is implemented in 100 villages that make up the area of research. The 100 villages are spread across 17 carefully chosen districts/cities in South Sulawesi Province (Bone, Wajo, Soppeng, Sidrap, Pinrang, Bulukumba Regencies, Bantaeng, Enrekang, Sinjai, Luwu, Maros, and Barru) and Banten Province (Pandeglang Regency, Lebak Regency, Serang Regency, Tangerang Regency, and Cilegon City).

SurveyMETER observed three different meeting activities in this study: the social action meeting, the follow-up meeting III, and the meeting to discuss survey results. November 2015 saw the first stage of observational study, which involved observing meetings that came about as a result of surveys and social action gatherings.  

The T4D program has two main objectives. First, to promote openness in society by determining the primary barriers to maternity and newborn health care (KIBBLA) and addressing them through autonomously carried out social action. Secondly, to assess how the program has affected the primary KIBBLA indicators (such as the proportion of women who plan their pregnancies and give birth at medical facilities). (JF)