The Sleman District Government Focuses on Empowering the Older Adults
Wednesday,11/01/2023University Club Unuversitas Gajah Mada, Sleman

The Regent of Sleman, Kustini Sri Purnomo, initiated the stakeholder discussions and dissemination of comparative studies on older adult care services at the University Club, Gajah Mada University, Sleman, Tuesday (10/1/2023).
It was held in collaboration with SurveyMETER with Atma Jaya Catholic University, Jakarta, and the University of Southampton, United Kingdom.
Kustini welcomed and appreciated it. She hopes it can generate recommendations for stakeholders that will later be beneficial to determine service care policies for the older citizen population.
“Moreover, the information conveyed is the evidence-based result study, so of course the data delivered is comprehensive and based on real conditions and actual circumstances in the community,” said Kustini.
So that older adults can be actively aging and live a good life. The Sleman District Government has also established several policies. The senior citizens' budget in 2023 has been allocated the equivalent of IDR 7 billion, including food and clothing assistance for older people.
In addition, the Sleman Regency Government also distributed some assistance to neglected older citizens based on Regent's Decree No. 23/Kep.KDH/A/2022, concerning Recipients of Social Assistance in the Form of Money for Basic Food and Clothing Needs, in the form of Social Security Fund for Neglected Elderly People at the Social Service for FY 2022.
Kustini further stated that in terms of public services, she had innovated the Home Delivery Service or N(G)ANTR PAIMAH, this is a social service program that makes it easier for neglected elderly and disabled residents who have problems with transportation to access public services.
“We are committed to making Sleman a shared home for all elements of society. "For this reason, we are trying to achieve this vision, including by providing facilities and services for the community," she explained.
Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Drg. Yvonne Suzy Handajani, M.KM, from the Research Center of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Atma Jaya Catholic University, Jakarta, stated that the event was a dissemination of the Comparative Study of Older Adults Care and the launch of a Policy Brief entitled 'Older Citizens Care Service Networks in Indonesia: Findings and Recommendations '.
The activity aims to perceive who is involved in elderly service care, their preferences and necessities, and how their families can be supported by government and non-government institution health care services.
"This comprehensive study applied ethnographic research method and was carried out in five locations in Indonesia, namely DKI Jakarta, DIY, East Java, East Nusa Tenggara, and West Sumatra," she explained. (Agung Dwi Purwanto)