Contraceptive Use in a Changing Service Environment: Evidence from the First Year of Indonesia’s Economic Crisis

Since the 1970s many developing countries have launched large-scale efforts to provide couples with family planning services.

Wednesday, 08/12/2010

Health, Family Planning and Well-being in Indonesia during an Economic Crisis: Early results from the Indonesian Family Life Survey

The results reported in this paper are preliminary. This study is based on data from two rounds of the Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS2/2+), a project of RAND, in collaboration with UCLA and the Demographic Institute of the University of Indonesia. We are grateful to William Emmett, the POLICY Project, who supported the broader project in its early stages.

Tuesday, 07/12/2010

Nutritional Status in Indonesia: Evidence from the 1993 Indonesian Family Life Survey

The authors use data from the Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) to examine patterns of height and weight among Indonesians of all ages. The heights attained by adults have increased dramatically over the last half century.

Monday, 06/12/2010

Study of the Tsunami Aftermath and Recovery (STAR) 2005-2010

Study of the Tsunami Aftermath and Recovery (STAR) is a longitudinal survey of some 40,000 individuals across 10,000 households in the tsunami-affe

Friday, 12/11/2010

School Based Management Study (SBM) 2010

The objectives of the School Based Management (SBM) Study, funded by the RAND Corporation were the provision of a comprehensive analytical foundati

Wednesday, 13/10/2010

Teacher Certification Study (BERMUTU) 2009

The Better Education through Reformed Management and Universal Teacher Upgrading Project (BERMUTU), funded by a World Bank loan, supports the imple

Tuesday, 12/10/2010

Minimum Service Standard (MSS) Costing Survey 2009

School data collection involved interviews with the principal and two teachers from the school, inspection of documents and a wal

Monday, 11/10/2010

Local Government Capacity Survey (LGC) 2009

The European Commission and the Royal Government of the Netherlands, through the World Bank as the Trustee of the Trust Fund, hav

Saturday, 09/10/2010

Effectively Targeting Anti-Poverty Baseline Survey 2008-2009

Acknowledging the need to improve household targeting for anti-poverty programs, the Ministry of Planning (BAPPENAS) requested that the World Bank

Friday, 08/10/2010

Understanding Effective Disease Control of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influence (HPAI) Study

This World Bank study of avian influenza surveyed over 5,300 households, examining strategies to prevent the spread of avia

Thursday, 07/10/2010