27 July 2023

Kata Kunci



Ni Wayan Suriastini, Fita Herawati, Cici Permata Rusadi, Dani Alfah, Indrawan Firdauzi, Setyo Pujiastuti, Sukamtiningsih.

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Adaptation of ECED During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Cocer PAUD 2023

SurveyMETER carried out the ECED Adaptation Study during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Special Region of Yogyakarta from January to March 2021, with the support of the Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI). This study interviewed more than 1900 respondents who were school supervisors/administrators, school principals, teachers, and parents via telephone survey. The government was equipping school principals, teachers, and parents with an ECED learning module from home by prioritizing student involvement during online learning. It investigated the extent to which the policy intervention was rigorously proper and on target.

This study portrayed the gap in access to knowledge among stakeholders in early childhood education implementation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Parents and teachers should be the key actors in the ECED learning from home. Teachers are expected to equip parents through various game-based learning methods as an adaptation during the COVID-19 pandemic, such as in the 12 PAUD Learning Modules. Unfortunately, only a few of them use or know about these learning modules since most of the module owners and module training participants were not among those who directly accompany toddlers/children learning at home.

Here is the link to download the book for free:


Full version:

pdf2Adaptasi PAUD Pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19


pdf2Cover Depan

pdf2Halaman ISBN

pdf2Kata Pengantar

pdf2Executive Summary

pdf2Daftar Isi

pdf2Daftar Tabel

pdf2Daftar Singkatan


pdf2Temuan Studi

pdf2Kesimpulan dan Rekomendasi



pdf2Cover Belakang


24 July 2023

Kata Kunci
Kesehatan dan Lanjut Usia



Ni Wayan Suriastini, Endra Dwi Mulyanto, Dwi Oktarina, Sunar Indriati, Naryanta, Titis Putri Ambarwati, Agus Lesmana.

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Actualizing SMART Older Adults: Lessons from the Community-Based Elderly Health Study

Halaman Judul Lansia 2023

Indonesia is currently experiencing an aging population. More than 10% of its population is elderly, with the highest percentage of 15.7% being in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY). The government encourages community-based health service providers to possess the capacity to actualize a Healthy, Independent, Active, and Productive (SMART) elderly population in the policy sphere, one of which is through health screening. SurveyMETER, under the support of the Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI), conducted a Community-Based Health Study by interviewing all Community Health Centers, 121 Posyandu for the Elderly, and 1,010 older adults Individuals in DIY in 2021.

This study reviews the scope of elderly health screening that is yet to comply with Minister of Health Regulation Number 4 of 2019, particularly that every older adult has the right to receive screening at least once a year. Screening coverage refers to the percentage of older adults receiving health screening at health centers, most of which have not reached 50% yet. There were only two screenings with better percentages: body mass index (51%) and vital sign measurement (54%). The rest are still relatively low, such as examination of egg albumen (23%), hemoglobin (28%), blood sugar (45%), cholesterol (44%), uric acid (44%), and cognitive status as an early detection of dementia (43 %). One of the reasons is the limited human resources and budget to prioritize elderly health screening at Puskesmas. This condition is accompanied by limited knowledge of certain screenings. For example, public knowledge (Posyandu for the Elderly 6% and older adults themselves 5%) about memory disorders as a symptom of dementia tends to be low since Puskesmas is the same provider. Dementia has been normalized as an aging process that is addressed not to require screening and medical treatment. This situation emphasizes that the elderly program has not yet become essential at the Puskesmas until the service is less than optimal, and, if persisted, could prevent the realization of a SMART elderly population.

In addition to the findings above, it also examines other interesting topics such as geriatrics training and long-term care at Puskesmas, as well as the dynamics of Posyandu for the older adults and the conditions of the elderly.

Here is the link to download the book complimentary.

Full version:

pdf2Mewujudkan Lanjut Usia SMART


pdf2Cover Depan

pdf2Halaman Judul

pdf2Kata Pengantar

pdf2Daftar Pelaksana Kegiatan

pdf2Daftar Isi

pdf2Daftar Tabel dan Gambar

pdf2Daftar Singkatan

pdf2Ringkasan Eksekutif


pdf22.Metode Penelitian


pdf24.Temuan Studi

pdf25. Langkah yang Diperlukan Guna Mewujudkan Lanjut Usia Smart Berbasis Komunitas

pdf2Referensi dan Lampiran



10 August 2022

Kata Kunci
Lanjut Usia dan COVID-19, Kesehatan dan Lanjut Usia



Ni Wayan Suriastini, Endra Dwi Mulyanto, Ika Yulia Wijayanti, Osuke Komazawa, Takuma Kato, Maliki, Dinar Dana Kharisma

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Older Adults and COVID-19 in Indonesia (the 2022 Edition)


The second round of the telephone survey, 'Older Adults and COVID-19 in Indonesia' is a follow-up to the first wave of the study. It is a collaboration among ERIA, Bappenas, and SurveyMETER. This follow-up survey aims to (1) compare the health and well-being of older adults during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic between July 2020 and November 2020, (2) compare the problems faced by the older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic between July 2020 and November 2020, (3) determine changes in assistance received by the older adults in response to the COVID-19 pandemic between July 2020 and November 2020, and (4) identify the most appropriate policies to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on the older adults, based on changes in the situation during the pandemic.

The findings show that some older adults still experienced a decline in income in November 2020. The impact of the pandemic on food consumption changed from July 2020 to November 2020. Fewer older adults received social assistance in November 2020 compared to July 2020. They preferred to receive social assistance by cash rather than by in-kind. Access to better health services results in accurate diagnoses until more older adults are identified as having physical health problems. In addition, their mental health has improved slightly. However, some respondents still experience problems accessing health facilities and a lack of routine medicines. The risk of social isolation decreases as the COVID-19 pandemic lasts, and a downward trend is also seen in the number of beneficiaries of some social supports. A community care hub with the help of digital technology is recommended to facilitate support for elderly needs with available services. This is also appropriate in a pandemic situation since it may lead to something to speed up service provision and reduce the risk of infection.

Here is the link to download the book complimentary.

The English version is available on the ERIA website: Bahasa Inggris


Full Version:

pdf2Lanjut Usia dan COVID-19 di Indonesia (Edisi 2022)


pdf2Halaman Judul

pdf2Kata Pengantar

pdf2Sekapur Sirih

pdf2Daftar Pelaksana Kegiatan

pdf2Daftar Isi

pdf2Daftar Tabel dan Gambar

pdf2Daftar Singkatan

pdf2Ringkasan Eksekutif

pdf2Bab 1 Latar Belakang dan Tujuan

pdf2Bab 2 Karakteristik Responden

pdf2Bab 3 Ekonomi dan Perlindungan Sosial

pdf2Bab 4 Kesehatan

pdf2Bab 5 Interaksi dan Dukungan Sosial

pdf2Bab 6 Kesimpulan dan Rekomendasi

pdf2Referensi dan Lampiran



28 January 2022

Kata Kunci
Lansia Abad 21, Buku Lansia, Buku Kelanjutusiaan


Aging Publikasi

Wayan Suriastini, Bondan Sikoki, Endra Dwi Mulyanto, Titis Putri Ambarwati, Ragil Safitri, Naryanta, Jejen Fauzan, Rodhiah Umaroh, Achmad Budi Santoso, Adhi Santika, dkk

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Compendium: Older Adults in the 21st Century

lansia abad 21

The book 'Compendium: Older Adults in the 21st Century' is a collaboration among investigators comprising researchers from SurveyMETER and Indonesian older adult observers who are members of the Coalition for Communities Caring for the Older Adults (KuMPUL). As the title suggests, the book discusses the latest dynamics of aging, enclosing the independence and actualization of the elders, globalization for them, as well as social protection and health services for older adults.  

SurveyMETER researchers contributed significantly through four writing topics that reviewed public services and elderly health, the self-actualization of older adults, and the mainstreaming of aging. The following two articles have a comprehensive correlation because they both discuss the public dimension of the elders. Wayan Suriastini notably encourages us to learn about the urgency of long-term care (LTC), including homecare and daycare, by perceiving best practices in Japan, Thailand, and Singapore. Endra Mulyanto et al. also discussed the importance of providing an elderly-friendly environment for backstopping their mobility. This article also presents concrete proposals, such as optimizing village ambulance services, volunteering by residents to accompany older adults, providing incentives, and improving public transportation facilities for them.

The two other articles examine the intergenerational dimension of aging activities, although the correlation is moderate. Titis Putri Ambarwati et al. cleverly questioned the mainstreaming of older adults in formal education with the young generation's low concern level for the elders. This article shows that the participation of older adults in early, primary, and secondary education activities may ignite the younger generation's empathy for the aging process. Meanwhile, Naryanta et al. scrutinized the medium/mechanism of older adults in family medicinal garden plant cultivation activities (TOGA). This article depicts elderly figures who are tenacious in caring for TOGA medical gardens in their yards and then assesses that for such work will be more beneficial if carried out across generations.

Here is the link to download the book complimentary.

Full version:

pdf2Bunga Rampai: Lansia di Abad 21


pdf2Halaman Depan

pdf2Daftar Isi


pdf2BAB 1: Lansia di Tengah Arus Globalisasi dan Pendidikan Kelanjutusiaan

pdf2Melek Literasi Digital untuk Lansia, Pentingkah?

pdf2Mengintegrasikan Materi Kelanjutusiaan di Pendidikan Formal

pdf2BAB 2: Merancang Hidup Sehat Menuju Lansia Tangguh dan Prima

pdf2Menyiapkan Diri Sedini Mungkin Menjadi Lansia Tangguh

pdf2Pentingnya Pendekatan Berpusat Kepada Kebutuhan Individu (PBKI) Bagi Lansia

pdf2Belajar dari Negara Lain untuk Layanan Home Care dan Day Care Bagi Perawatan Lanjut Usia yang Holistik

pdf2BAB 3: Menyongsong Kemandirian dan Kesejahteraan Lansia

pdf2Menghapus Stigma dan Diskriminasi karena Usia dalam Dunia Kerja

pdf2Rabun Jauh Kita untuk Bersiap Menjadi Lansia

pdf2BAB 4: Lansia Dalam Kreasi dan Aktualisasi Diri

pdf2Aktualisasi Diri Lansia: Belajar dari Tokoh-Tokoh Lansia

pdf2Lanjut Usia Aktor Pelestari Tanaman Obat Keluarga

pdf2BAB 5: Lingkungan Ramah Lansia

pdf2Kota dan Kawasan Ramah Lanjut Usia

pdf2Lingkungan Ramah Lansia Penting Bagi Mobilitas Lansia

pdf2BAB 6: Interseksionalitas Isu Lansia

pdf2Meski Waria, Lansia Waria Tetaplah Lansia

pdf2Peran Anak dan Pemerintah dalam Menjamin Kesejahteraan Lansia: Perbandingan Negeri Belanda dan Indonesia

pdf2BAB 7: Mainstreaming Kelanjutusiaan di Ranah Kebijakan

pdf2“Jauh Panggang Dari Api” Mempertanyakan Keberpihakan RANHAM Terhadap Hak-Hak Lansia

pdf2Profil Kumpul

pdf2Biodata Singkat Penulis

pdf2Halaman Belakang

13 April 2021

Kata Kunci
Lanjut Usia dan COVID-19, Kesehatan dan Lanjut Usia



Osuke Komazawa, Ni Wayan Suriastini, Endra Dwi Mulyanto, Ika Yulia Wijayanti, Maliki, Dinar Dana Kharisma

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Older Adults and COVID-19 in Indonesia

Cover Report Lanjut Usia dan Covid-19_di_Indonesia_210831

The telephone survey of Older Adults and COVID-19 in Indonesia is a collective initiative of ERIA, Bappenas, and SurveyMETER. This study aims to (1) measure senior citizens’ general knowledge about COVID-19; (2) compare the welfare of older adults before, during, and or after the COVID-19 pandemic; (3) understand the problems faced by older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic; (4) monitoring assistance received by them during the COVID-19 pandemic; and (5) identify policies needed to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on the older adults.

The findings of this study show that more than half of the older adults experienced a decline in income, especially those who depend on their income from work and their children's earnings. Significantly more senior citizens are receiving government assistance than before the pandemic. One in six senior citizens reported that their health declined during the pandemic, while a significant portion of older adults remain supportive of their social interactions despite the pandemic. The government is advised to strengthen its efforts by building a support system for older adults to realize the National Strategy for Aging vision.

Here is the link to download the book complimentary.

The English version is available on the ERIA website: Bahasa Inggris



Full Version:

pdf2Lanjut Usia dan COVID-19 di Indonesia



pdf2Halaman Judul

pdf2Kata Pengantar

pdf2Sekapur Sirih

pdf2Daftar Pelaksana Kegiatan

pdf2Daftar Isi

pdf2Daftar Tabel dan Gambar

pdf2Daftar Singkatan

pdf2Ringkasan Eksekutif

pdf2Bab 1 Latar Belakang dan Tujuan

pdf2Bab 2 Karakteristik Responden

pdf2Bab 3 Ekonomi dan Perlindungan Sosial

pdf2Bab 4 Kesehatan

pdf2Bab 5 Interaksi dan Dukungan Sosial

pdf2Bab 6 Kesimpulan dan Rekomendasi

pdf2Referensi dan Lampiran



22 October 2014

Kata Kunci
Kota Ramah Lanjut Usia, Lanjut Usia di Surakarta



SurveyMETER dan CAS UI

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One Step towards the DREAM of ELDERLY-Friendly Cities for Senior Citizens in 2030 | Surakarta City

impian kota lansia Surakarta

Based on baseline data from the 2013 Elderly-Friendly City Assessment Study, Surakarta City is conceivably described as a city expressly approaching being elderly-friendly.

Based on the color achievement category being adjusted to the percentage of community assessment scores stating Suitable and Very Suitable, the people of Surakarta City, broadly recognized as Solo City, gave the color yellow a score of 56%. This color category is based on a percentage assessment score, especially red features a percentage score of 0-25%, orange has a score of 26-50%, yellow has a score of 51-75%, and green has a score of 76-100%. The city people assess that of the eight dimensions, one is considered to represent green, four dimensions are yellow, two dimensions are orange, and one dimension is red. One dimension that is in the green category is the Social Participation dimension. One dimension of red and one color of orange is a weakness in the achievements of the City of Surakarta. Moreover, the yellow achievement score for the Building and Open Space and the Transportation dimensions are still unsafe (not safe, only slightly above 50%).

However, with this achievement, the expectation of actualizing Surakarta City becoming an elderly-friendly city is utterly fluent. Compared to other cities, Surakarta City received the highest assessment score. So, the excursion to achieve an Elderly-Friendly City in 2013 is moderately easy. If it is planned carefully, it will come true shortly.

What is a detailed description of the achievements of the eight dimensions of an elderly-friendly city in Surakarta City? How does this compare with the general situation in Indonesia? What are the recommended achievements and strategies for Surakarta City to become an Elderly-Friendly City by 2030? For details, please download.

Ikon PDFOne Step towards the DREAM of ELDERLY-Friendly Cities for Senior Citizens in 2030 | Surakarta City

22 October 2014

Kata Kunci
Kota Ramah Lanjut Usia, Lanjut Usia di Surabaya



SurveyMETER dan CAS UI

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One Step towards the DREAM of ELDERLY-Friendly Cities for Senior Citizens in 2030 | Surabaya City

impian kota lansia Surabaya

Berdasarkan data baseline Studi Asesmen Kota Ramah Lanjut Usia tahun 2013 Kota Surabaya dapat dikategorikan sebagai kota yang belum namun sudah melangkah menuju kota ramah lanjut usia.

Berdasarkan kategori pencapaian warna yang disesuaikan pada persentase skor penilaian masyarakat yang menyatakan Sesuai dan Sangat sesuai, masyarakat Kota Surabaya memberikan penilaian warna orange dengan bobot skor yang selangkah menuju kuning yaitu 46,3%. Masyarakat kota ini menilai dari 8 dimensi kota ramah lansia dua dinilai sudah berwarna kuning, belum ada yang hijau. Lima dimensi lainnya berwarna orange dan satu dimensi berwarna merah. Beberapa dimensi orange memiliki skor yang mendekati batas minimal warna kuning. Kelemahannya skor total satu dimensi warna merah masih terhitung rendah (13.8%) sehingga memengaruhi skor total.

Meski demikian, harapan untuk mewujudkan kota ramah lansia di Surabaya sudah terbuka. Modalnya, pada dua dimensi berwarna kuning dan dimensi warna orange yang sudah memperoleh skor cukup tinggi.

Bagaimana gambaran detail capaian 8 dimensi kota ramah lanjut usia di Kota Surabaya? Bagaimana jika dibandingkan dengan keadaan umum di Indonesia? Bagaimana rekomendasi pencapaian dan strategi untuk Kota Surabaya dalam mewujudkan Kota Ramah Lanjut Usia 2030? Selengkapnya silahkan unduh.

Ikon PDFOne Step towards the DREAM of ELDERLY-Friendly Cities for Senior Citizens in 2030 | Surabaya City

21 October 2014

Kata Kunci
Kota Ramah Lanjut Usia, Lanjut Usia di Payakumbuh

Payakumbuh Sumatra Barat


SurveyMETER dan CAS UI

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Satu Langkah Menuju IMPIAN LANJUT USIA Kota Ramah Lanjut Usia 2030 | Kota Payakumbuh

impian kota lansia payakumbuhBerdasarkan data baseline Studi Asesmen Kota Ramah Lanjut Usia tahun 2013 Kota Payakumbuh dapat dinarasikan sebagai kota yang hampir ramah lanjut usia.

Berdasarkan kategori pencapaian warna yang disesuaikan pada persentase skor penilaian masyarakat yang menyatakan Sesuai dan Sangat sesuai, masyarakat Kota Payakumbuh memberikan penilaian warna kuning meskipun dengan bobot skor yang relatif masih rendah  yaitu total 55,1%. Masyarakat kota ini menilai, dari delapan dimensi kota ramah lansia satu di antaranya dinilai sudah berwarna hijau, empat dimensi berwarna kuning, dua dimensi orange, dan satu dimensi merah. Satu warna merah dan juga dua warna orange ini menjadi kelemahan capaian Kota Payakumbuh. Apalagi skor capaian dimensi Partisipasi Sipil dan Pekerjaan yang masih merah ini relatif masih rendah (kurang dari 17%).

Dengan capaian ini, harapan untuk mewujudkan Kota Payakumbuh menjadi kota ramah lansia sudah cukup lempang. Bahkan kalau direncanakan dengan matang akan terwujud dalam waktu tidak lama. Dan, untuk mewujudkannya lebih cepat perlu aksi nyata dan dukungan dari semua pihak. Tidak hanya pemerintah namun diperlukan keterlibatan pihak swasta dan semua kelompok masyarakat.

Bagaimana gambaran detail capaian 8 dimensi kota ramah lanjut usia di Kota Payakumbuh? Bagaimana jika dibandingkan dengan keadaan umum di Indonesia? Bagaimana rekomendasi pencapaian dan strategi untuk Kota Payakumbuh dalam mewujudkan Kota Ramah Lanjut Usia 2030? Selengkapnya silahkan unduh.

Ikon PDFSatu Langkah Menuju IMPIAN LANJUT USIA; Kota Ramah Lanjut Usia 2030 | Kota Payakumbuh

21 October 2014

Kata Kunci
Kota Ramah Lanjut Usia, Lanjut Usia di Medan



SurveyMETER dan CAS UI

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Satu Langkah Menuju IMPIAN LANJUT USIA Kota Ramah Lanjut Usia 2030 | Kota Medan

impian kota lansia MedanBerdasarkan data baseline Studi Asesmen Kota Ramah Lanjut Usia tahun 2013 Kota Medan dapat dinarasikan sebagai kota yang masih sangat jauh dari kota ramah lansia.

Berdasarkan kategori pencapaian warna yang disesuaikan pada persentase skor penilaian masyarakat yang menyatakan Sesuai dan Sangat sesuai, masyarakat Kota Medan memberikan penilaian warna oranye dengan skor sangat rendah yaitu total 26,6% atau hanya 2% di atas batas warna merah. Masyarakat kota ini menilai dari 8 dimensi tidak ada satu pun yang dinilai sudah berwarna kuning, apalagi hijau. Rinciannya, 4  dimensi berwarna orange dan 4 dimensi berwarna merah. Bahkan skor total semua dimensi warna orange masih rendah, yaitu di kisaran 31-36%.

Meski demikian, harapan untuk menjadi kota ramah lansia bukan berarti tidak ada sama sekali. Modalnya adalah semua dimensi yang berwarna orange dan capaian warna merah tidak ada skor yang di bawah 10%. Tetapi untuk mewujudkan kota ramah lansia pada 8 dimensi tersebut perlu kerja keras yang nyata dari semua pihak, tidak hanya pemerintah namun juga keterlibatan pihak swasta dan semua elemen masyarakat.

Bagaimana gambaran detail capaian 8 dimensi kota ramah lanjut usia di Kota Medan? Bagaimana jika dibandingkan dengan keadaan umum di Indonesia? Bagaimana rekomendasi pencapaian dan strategi untuk Kota Medan dalam mewujudkan Kota Ramah Lanjut Usia 2030? Selengkapnya silahkan unduh.

Ikon PDFSatu Langkah Menuju IMPIAN LANJUT USIA; Kota Ramah Lanjut Usia 2030 | Kota Medan

20 October 2014

Kata Kunci
Kota Ramah Lanjut Usia, Lanjut Usia di Mataram NTB

Mataram NTB


SurveyMETER dan CAS UI

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Satu Langkah Menuju IMPIAN LANJUT USIA Kota Ramah Lanjut Usia 2030 | Kota Mataram

impian kota lansia MataramBerdasarkan data baseline Studi Asesmen Kota Ramah Lanjut Usia tahun 2013 Kota Mataram dapat diklasifikasikan kota yang belum cukup tetapi potensial beranjak menjadi kota ramah lanjut usia dalam waktu tidak lama.

Berdasarkan kategori pencapaian warna yang disesuaikan pada persentase skor penilaian masyarakat yang menyatakan Sesuai dan Sangat sesuai, masyarakat Kota Mataram memberikan penilaian warna oranye dengan skor total 44,1%. Masyarakat kota ini menilai dari 8 dimensi separuhnya sudah dinilai berwarna kuning, yaitu mendapat skor penilaian antara 50%-75%. Sisanya, 3  dimensi berwarna orange, 1 dimensi berwarna merah. Dimensi dengan capaian merah pun memiliki total skor capaian yang mendekati warna orange, hampir 22%. Kelemahannya, dimensi Perumahan yang berwarna orange masih mendapat skor yang nyaris menyentuh skor warna merah (26%) yang mempengaruhi capaian total 8 dimensi.

Namun demikian dengan capaian ini, harapan untuk menjadi kota ramah lansia lebih mudah diwujudkan. Modalnya sudah signifikan, raihan total skor hampir 45% sudah di atas total skor Indonesia yang baru menyentuh 43%. Tentunya, untuk mewujudkan kota ramah lansia pada 8 dimensi tersebut perlu aksi nyata dan dukungan dari semua pihak, tidak hanya pemerintah namun diperlukan juga keterlibatan pihak swasta dan semua elemen masyarakat.

Bagaimana gambaran detail capaian 8 dimensi kota ramah lanjut usia di Kota Mataram? Bagaimana jika dibandingkan dengan keadaan umum di Indonesia? Bagaimana rekomendasi pencapaian dan strategi untuk Kota Mataram dalam mewujudkan Kota Ramah Lanjut Usia 2030? Selengkapnya silahkan unduh.

Ikon PDFSatu Langkah Menuju IMPIAN LANJUT USIA; Kota Ramah Lanjut Usia 2030 | Kota Mataram

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