The Event of the Year-End 2013 and Rural Assistance in Jatimulyo

Wednesday, 08/01/2014Jatimulyo, Dlingo, Bantul


Various activities have been conducted by the rural assistance team of SurveyMETER in the Jatimulyo Village and Guwosari Village. These assistance activities also became coverings activities in 2013. In Jatimulyo Village, the closing years was filled by "Gebyar PAUD Ceria" on December 25, 2013.  The event was held in the village hall of Jatimulyo, and has been followed by all the PAUD students in Jatimulyo, which consisted a play group (KB) and units of similiar PAUD.

The event took place with a very rousing and full of cheerfulness along the event. The series of events begins with cheerful healthy exercise together in hall of Jatimulyo Jatimulyo Village . After breakfast together, the series of the next event was a number of competition, like educational games, performance art, and creativity of children. The event closed with the awarding prizes for winners and door prizes mementos handover for participants. And all was organized by SurveyMETER, not only organizing the event, but also gifts, and door prizes. (JF_Trans by A5)