Greenback 2.0 East Lombok Baseline Survey

Thursday, 05/01/2017SurveyMETER


With the support of the World Bank, SurveyMETER conducted a field survey on the Financial Services Access Survey. The survey was conducted to evaluate the Project Greenback 2.0 program in Indonesia in collaboration with the World Bank with BI, OJK, and BNP2TKI whose pilot project was carried out in East Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara. East Lombok was designated as the implementation area of ​​Project Greenback 2.0 because of the high number of migrant workers from this district working in Malaysia, which was followed by the high number of remittances entering the district.

The Greenback 2.0 project aims to encourage the development of transparent and efficient remittance systems for both domestic and international remittances, which in turn will improve the local economy through expansion of access and use of banking services.

Field surveys will be conducted in three selected villages in East Lombok Regency with the target of interviewing 2000-3000 households. The study was conducted using quantitative methods with a Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) system.

The process of fieldwork began with the training of prospective research assistants on December 27-28, 2016. The study team began going to the field to conduct data collection interviews on January 3, 2017 yesterday and will end several weeks later. Before the series the SurveyMETER study team had conducted a pretest in the Kulonprogo Regency and Bantul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta.

Specifically, this survey aims to collect data at the household level regarding knowledge and use of banking products and services. Analysis of the baseline data collected through this survey will be used to help design an intervention program to improve household knowledge of banking products and services; increase household utilization of banking products and services and improve household financial management capabilities; and implementing a monitoring and evaluation program for the intervention program. (JF)