Seminar of JKN Ideology and Policy: The Poor People Subsidize the Rich Ones
Thursday, 02/02/2017YogyakartaEndra Dwi Mulyanto, SE

The National Health Insurance System (JKN) or the Social Security Administering Body (BPJS) is intended to provide the widest possible benefits for the poor and underprivileged communities in accordance with human dignity. However, until now the claims from BPJS participants in the Recipients of Contribution Assistance (PBI) category or participants whose contributions are paid by the Government as participants in the Health Insurance program are 85%. Likewise, claims from non-PBI participants (PNS, Jamsostek, etc.) are 90%. Meanwhile, claims from participants and Non-PBI-Mandiri: 280% so that BPJS has a deficit of around 7 trillion. So, it can be said that the current condition is not the rich people subsidizing the poor, but the contrary.
It was the important point that came up on the first part of the Seminar of JKN Ideology and Policy with the theme of Understanding the Policy Process and Evaluation. It was organized by the Center for Health Policy and Management (PKMK), Faculty of Medicine of Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta on Wednesday, February 1, 2017, in the Doctoral Lecture Room of FK UGM.
Acting as the presenter of the seminar was Prof. dr. Laksono Triasnantoro M.Sc, Ph.D. as a senior researcher at PKMK-FK UGM. Appearing as the discussants are Prof. Purwo Santoso M.A., Ph.D. (professor at the Faculty of Social and Political, UGM), and Prof. Wihana Kirana Jaya M.Soc.Sc, Ph.D. (professor at the Faculty of Economics, UGM). It was also attended by members of the community of practice for health financing and JKN, graduate students from the department of health policy and management (HPM), graduate students in public health sciences (IKM), practitioners, academics, and researchers including SurveyMETER that represented by Endra Dwi Mulyanto S.E., M.P.H.
It was the first part of a series of 9 seminars in the 2017 monitoring and evaluation (monev) of the JKN activity started in February until the peak of the Outlook 2018 in December 2017. Other activities were a series of workshops and discussions. The purposes aim to see what ideologies are de jure and de facto in the SJSN and the BPJS Laws and to discuss the ideology in health insurance. The urgency was that after the JKN program has been running for 3 years, then policy evaluation and monitoring are needed in the 4th year.
In the JKN policy, the ideological values stated in the 1945 Constitution article 34 paragraphs 1 and 2 (that the poor and neglected children are maintained by the state and the state develops social security for all people and empowers the weak and incapable in accordance with human dignity) that later emerged in the Law No. 40 of 2004 concerning the National Social Network System (SJSN) and the Law no. 24 of 2011 concerning the Health Insurance Organizing Agency (BPJS) whether they have become a consistent basis for the implementation or not.
According to Prof. Laksono, without an ideological basis, the health coverage system that is based on health insurance may change from its basic spirit. in fact, the Indonesia JKN system results indicated that poor people still subsidize the rich ones for the last 3 years of its implementation.