Global Decision-Making Survey in Indonesia 2014

Monday, 26/05/2014SurveyMETER


SurveyMETER was honored by The World Bank to collect data on the Global Decision-Making Survey in Indonesia or known as the Behavioral Bias and Development Study. The study was conducted in 5 administrative cities in DKI Jakarta Province and Bogor City, West Java Province.

Field study data collection was applied to two methods: the interview was conducted utilizing a tablet device that affords to capture and record the answers to questions directly during the interview in DKI Jakarta and implementing a paper questionnaire known as the Paper-And-Pencil-Interview (PAPI) method in Bogor city.

It aims to determine the psychological, social, and cultural influences on development in Indonesia. Specifically, the data collected is intended to find out about behavioral biases that allow it to use as a general assessment of economic behavior on development problems in a country.

The sample of this survey was 1600 households taken from households that were randomly selected from the selected urban village based on the urban village's group with categories of poor, middle, and rich. A sampling of villages in each category was taken 3 villages. In each urban village, 3 Neighborhood Associations (RT) were selected and 37-38 households were later chosen from each RT.

Field activities commenced with training for prospective field assistants during 7-8 May at Quin Colombo Hotel Yogyakarta and maintained with further training plus field practice in Jakarta and Bogor from 11-16 May, while field data collection was carried out until July 2014. (JF)