Eastern of Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS-East) 2012

Wednesday, 09/01/2013SurveyMETER

Measurement of respondent's health after interview in one kelurahan in Ternate City, North Maluku, 14 May 2012. (Photo: Malut Team-IFLS-East/SM)

The East Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS-East) was carried out in the seven provinces of eastern Indonesia, specifically East Nusa Tenggara, East Kalimantan, Southeast Sulawesi, Maluku, North Maluku, West Papua, and Papua. The activities consist of household surveys by interviewing households, and then community and facilities survey by interviewing village officials, traditional leaders, community figures, educational facilities, and health facilities. It was carried out by SurveyMETER in collaboration with the National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction (TNP2K) under the full support of AusAID.

The 2012 SAKERTIM Household Survey interviewed 2,690 households spread over 98 randomly selected enumeration areas (rural/urban villages). Like regular IFLS, household information collected in detail in the IFLS-East household survey covers various aspects of household life, including economic and social welfare indicators containing consumption, income, wealth, labor participation, education, migration, health, use of health facilities, health insurance, marital history, pregnancy, contraceptive use, decision making, community participation, and so on. The information was collected either by interviews with the household head or interviews with individual household members of the selected households.

Overall, IFLS East household survey activities commenced with preparation and pilot test in January 2012, training of interviewers from April 16 to May 13, until completion of field data collection in August 2012. Then proceed again in November 2012 to complete data collection for those three enumeration areas previously postponed due to bad weather. Of the 98 enumeration areas planned, the implementation resulted in 99 operation fields covering 99 rural/urban villages, 91 sub-districts, 52 districts, and 7 provinces. [JF]