Workshop on Dissemination of Economic Analysis on Digitalization of the SMILE (Immunization and Logistics Electronic Monitoring System) Program


Workshop Diseminasi Studi Analisis Ekonomi Digitalisasi Sistem Pengelolaan Program Imunisasi SMILE, 25 Agustus 2023

The Immunization and Logistics Electronic Monitoring System (SMILE) Program is a historic milestone in efforts to increase the efficiency of the immunization program in Indonesia. As a collaboration between the Indonesian Ministry of Health and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), SMILE was designed as a revolutionary solution to ensure timely vaccine availability throughout the country. This monumental step began with the launch and trial of SMILE in 2018, which became a steady foundation for SMILE's long passage in supporting immunization programs. It continues endlessly as the expansion of SMILE implementation to 25 districts/cities would bring fresh air to the routine immunization program in Indonesia in 2021 and other years to come.

In 2022, UNDP and the Indonesian Ministry of Health entrusted SurveyMETER to provide in-depth insights through an Economic Analysis Study on the Digitalization of the SMILE (Immunization and Logistics Electronic Monitoring System) Program.

UNDP and the Indonesian Ministry of Health held a workshop to disseminate the results of the study analysis on August 25, 2023, at the Hermitage Hotel, Jakarta. As a study partner, SurveyMETER was represented by the study research team: Ernis Asanti and Roni Hermoko had the opportunity to be amongst the panelists at the event and provide a "key message" regarding the benefits of digitizing the management of immunization programs through SMILE to the Ministry of Health and various stakeholders who are interested in the progress of digitalization in the health sector. The results of the economic analysis show that every IDR 1 investment in the SMILE program yields a return of IDR 2.77, an amount that provides concrete evidence of the benefits of SMILE.

In addition, SMILE users experience broader benefits. The emergence of continuous temperature monitoring based on the Internet of Things (IoT) is an essential pillar in maintaining vaccine quality from the risk of quality degradation and damage due to temperature excursions. The Ministry of Health's positive response to the digitization of immunization program management through SMILE is very encouraging, especially concerning monitoring stock and supply chain movement of vaccines from the national level to the nearest health service center (Puskesmas).

This unwavering support does not end here since the Ministry of Health has committed to continue to facilitate the expansion and sustainability of the digitalization of immunization program management through SMILE in all corners of Indonesia. This step, with no doubt, will ensure the availability and superior quality of vaccines for all Indonesian children.

The following is a link to download the study conclusions information sheet. Download