06 September 2023

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pendampingan lansia, layanan lansia di komunitas



SurveyMETER, Yayasan Karinakas

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Study Report on Health and Older Adults Care Services in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY)

Cover laporan studi lansia 2023

SurveyMETER supports the Karinakas Foundation in conducting studies using quantitative-qualitative (mixed) methods involving local-domestic residents to collect data on the situation and conditions of the older citizens population. This study was conducted in two pilot villages for the Elderly Assistance Program, Karangasem Village of the District of Gunung Kidul and Girikerto Village of the District of Sleman, from August to December 2022. The older citizen population recorded consisted of 1,294 women and 1,078 men, with the dominant composition being aged 60-69 years old.

Many older adult residents live with family members, although 222 elderly residents live alone. The proportion of elderly household income is also quite worrying, of which 48.3% have an average income of less than 1 million rupiah per month. This means that 42 out of 100 elderly households admit that they need social and economic assistance programs, such as the Family Hope Program (PKH/Indonesian Conditional Cash Transfer Program), Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT), and others.

This household's economic condition is intertwined with a level of dependency that makes the older adults increasingly vulnerable. In both pilot villages, one in thirteen senior citizens needs long-term care (LTC), as physical decline requires assistance with mobility, therapy, social contact, and daily necessities. However, this study shows the opposite condition since almost every caregiver has not equipped themselves with skills in long-term care for older citizens. For example, most family members still encounter difficulties communicating with older adults with communication/cognitive problems. In addition, even though one in five older adults needs help with bathing, eating, dressing, and going to the toilet, caregivers do not have the skills yet to do this. In addition, the number of older citizens who receive home visit services is still very worrying. In Girikerto Village, only three out of 1,252 older adults receive home-visiting care services. Meanwhile, in Karangasem Village, out of 1,117 older adults, not even a single older adult received similar care services. Therefore, this study recommends an integrated service for long-term care for socio-economically vulnerable and dependent elderly.

SurveyMETER, akin to the technical implementer of the study, is responsible for collecting data and compiling analysis reports related to the study findings. Here is the link to download this study report.

pdf favLaporan Analisis_Studi Lansia_Karinakas_final_r.pdf