Integrated Community-Based Elderly Services (Community Care Hub) as Solutions to Handle Aging Problems
Thursday, 29/04/2021

There are many elderly concerns faced by Indonesia related to the programs that are already running. Among them, first, the increase in the elderly population causes changes in the profile of the elderly and their families. Second, many programs and services for the elderly are not yet coordinated or integrated. Third, the reach of the program is limited. Fourth, there are a number of key gaps in services and programs. To bridge these issues, Community Care Hub (CCH) is established and managed to be an innovative solution.
It was conveyed by the Executive Director of SurveyMETER, Dr. Ni Wayan Suriastini M.Phil, in the Workshop on Curriculum Review of the Dietitian Professional Education Study Program held by the Yogyakarta Health Polytechnic, Health Human Resources Development and Empowerment Agency, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, on Wednesday, April 28, 2021, at Gamping, Sleman, DIY. She was appointed as the first speaker to deliver the material "Problems and Health Nutrition Service Programs for the Elderly in the Community." The workshop was held in hybrid as a combination of offline and online and commenced directly by the Director of Poltekes, Ministry of Health, Yogyakarta, Joko Susilo SKM, M.Kes.
The elderly experienced a decline in income during the COVID-19 Pandemic that affected food consumption. It was conveyed by Suriastini referring to the study results on the Elderly and COVID-19 in Indonesia conducted in collaboration with ERIA, Bappenas, and SurveyMETER in 2020.
She further explained that CCH is in line with the 5 elderly policy strategies prepared by Bappenas and already included in the 2020-2024 RPJMN (Presidential Decree No. 18 of 2020 concerning the 2020-2024 RPJMN). Namely, improving social protection, improving health status, increasing public awareness, strengthening institutional implementation agency, and fulfilling the rights of the elderly.
The CCH itself was in the capacity development stage in 5 important modules, namely Introduction to Long-Term Care (LTC), Community-based Integrated Service Training for the Elderly, Case Management Training, Elderly Care Team Training, and Clinical Issues in LTC. (JF)