People are Unfamiliar with the term Alzheimer's Dementia
Tuesday, 01/03/2016Jakarta

The Special Region of Yogyakarta Dementia Study 2015 showed the elderly and the caregiver's level of knowledge in terms of Alzheimer's Dementia was low. The elderly know the term Alzheimer's Dementia only reach 20% while the companion/caregiver is 26%. Hence, It is necessary to spread the term "Alzheimer's Dementia" to afford to improve the prevention of People With Dementia (ODD) starting from the community and must be supported by all stakeholders and society in general.
It was conveyed by Wayan Suriastini on Friday, February 26, 2016, in Jakarta as the researcher of the study in front of the forum "Dialogue on the Development of Health Intelligence Development Profiles in the Regions" organized by the Center for Analysis of Health Determinants (on February 25-27, 2016) Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia.
According to her, the dissemination of the term Alzheimer's dementia is required in order to promulgate the term Alzheimer's dementia to a wider circle of people then increase mutual attention and concern.
She further stated that health is one indicator of the achievement of a prosperous Indonesian society. Various kinds of health problems will appear simultaneously with the increasing age, one of which is cognitive or intellectual disorders. It is caused by a physical decline in the brain. Many terms appear to the disorder with senility whereas in fact the occurrence of physical decline in the brain may be caused by Alzheimer's.
Alzheimer's dementia is a disorder that affects emotions, memory, and decision-making. It often goes undetected, regardless of the symptoms that might be experienced from a young age (early-onset dementia) and early detection can help People with Dementia (ODD) and families to afford to deal with the psycho-social effects of the disease.
The most appropriate and best effort at this time is to prevent disease. It may reduce health costs and burdens for the family. Prevention of disease will run well if promotive efforts can be carried out comprehensively by involving all stakeholders and the community. Many studies state there is an effect of knowledge on disease prevention, as a person's level of knowledge can influence someone in taking action.
Please download the study results presentation materials here