Mentoring ECED Teachers in Jatimulyo Village in Understanding How to Manage Institutions, Making Daily Activity Plan (RKH), and Creating Educational Game Props (APE) from Natural Materials and Used Goods
Friday, 22/03/2013Yogyakarta

As a follow-up to the ECED mentoring agenda in the Village Assistance Program, SurveyMETER held an ECED Teacher Capacity Training on Monday, March 18, 2013, at PAUD Nur'aini Ngampilan, Yogyakarta City. It was attended by 33 ECED teachers in Jatimulyo village, Dlingo, Bantul, and conducted by implementing class observation and discussion methods from 08.00-12.00 a.m.
According to the village assistance program coordinator, Setyo Pujiastuti, the materials presented included making a daily activity plan (RKH), creating educational game props (APE) from natural materials and used goods, and managing institutions. All speakers from PAUD Nur'aini management under the leadership of Ms. Kis Rahayu. She is the head of the Center for Excellence for Integrated Early Childhood Education in the DIY Province in addition to being a lecturer in the ECED teacher education department at Ahmad Dahlan University, Yogyakarta. PAUD Nur'aini is one of the leading and favorite ECEDs in the Special Region of Yogyakarta.
The purpose of the training was to increase the capacity of ECED teachers in Jatimulyo village, most of whom did not have any teacher education or ECED teaching background. According to Setyo, this training would be continued on March 27, 2013, in Jatimulyo village, Dlingo District. “Later, Ms. Kis Rahayu and PAUD Nur'aini administrators would in turn come to Jatimulyo village. The teaching materials were micro-teaching, ECED pieces of knowledge, and the extensions to make APE from natural materials,” said Setyo.
She added that the concept and technical involvement of SurveyMETER in this activity was to not only offer training concepts but also to accompany and facilitate speakers and training venues. "For further training on March 27th, the administrator of PAUD Jatimulyo village will prepare the technical concept draft," said Setyo. [JF]