Monitoring and Evaluation Study III of the Space to Build School Program 2015
Tuesday, 13/10/2015SurveyMETER
SurveyMETER was entrusted by Ars86Care Foundation or the Arsitek 86 Foundation to conduct a Monitor and Evaluation Study III of the Space to Build School Program in 11 Kindergartens (TK) in Demak and Grobogan Districts, Central Java. The field data collection was carried out from 1 - 16 October 2015.
The Space to Build Program develops spaces for children to learn and play, to grow and develop fully according to the potential of each child. This program covers physical development in the form of space for children as a step towards improving environmental quality. Furthermore, this program is a fulfillment of children's rights based

on international child rights conventions under the United Nations (UN). The Space to Build Program targets early childhood education, where kindergarten infrastructure in the village becomes a short-term program. Children are placed as the main stakeholders. Children's participation is valued throughout the program process. Starting from the assessment, design and construction process, to the process of monitoring and evaluation. The program was conducted from 2012 - 2015, starting in Demak Regency and Grobogan Regency, Central Java. The plan is starting to be developed this year in other regions.
Ars86Care Foundation or Yayasan Arsitek 86 ( is a group of Indonesian architects who care about the environment and be obliged to improve the quality of the environment a legacy for children. Ars86 has three primary programs, Space to Build, Word to Share, and Value to Do with the mission of promoting and creating quality child-friendly spaces to improve the virtue of a life of Indonesian children who are the nation's future. This group worked with more than 1,000 volunteers in 2004 and was statutory in 2007.

Evaluation Study III was conducted as a program to see the implementation of activities carried out in development with the concepts of Space to Build, Word to Share, and Value to Do. The purpose of monitoring and evaluation is to; first, measuring the impact of the school program on beneficiaries including children, teachers and the community (parents, PKK representatives, youth representatives). Secondly, get knowledge information about school programs. Third, record the physical condition of the school in accordance with the Green Building Concept and Child Friendly City.
This evaluation study was carried out in a mix method (mixed method) with quantitative and qualitative methods. For the quantitative component, a structured questionnaire was used for the school principal and parents. to find out the values of the program and its impact on children. Qualitatively conducted by observation, Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on children and communities (parents, PKK cadres and youth organizations), and in depth interviews with teachers and parents. (JF)