STATA Training for 2nd Generation IFLS Data Processing
- Tanggal : 16/01/2018 - 19/01/2018
- Lokasi : SurveyMETER
On January 16-19 SurveyMETER conducted a 2nd batch of STATA Training for Data Processing of the IFLS (Indonesian Family Life Survey). This training is the second wave of 3 planned Stata Training for IFLS Data Processing classes. Considering the interest of the participants of the training class held in the 2nd batch is a joint class, Basic and Advanced STATA.
The training was held in the Meeting Room 2nd Floor SurveyMETER Office Jalan Jenengan Raya 109 Maguwoharjo Sleman DIY. Acting as instructors are Edy Purwanto MSc who is also the coordinator of the activities and Nur Suci Arnashanti as the IFLS data coordinator. The training was opened and given an introduction on IFLS data by SurveyMETER's Research Director, Firman Witoelar PhD.
The training was attended by 24 participants consisting of researchers, practitioners, lecturers and S2 and S2 students from various domestic and foreign universities and government institutions in Indonesia. Institutions, campuses, and institutions where all the 2 nd batches are included are: Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta (UMY; Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) Yogyakarta; Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand: Department of Biostatistics, Epidemology, and Population Health FK UGM, LPEM FEB UI, P3ADK Section of Yogyakarta City Government Secretariat, Central BKKBN, Brawijaya University Malang, Sungai Penuh City Health Office, Jambi Province, Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta, and Prasetiya Mulya University Jakarta.
The 4-day training materials include IFLS Overview, Questionnaire and IFLS Data Structures, STATA Basic Orders, Data Merge Techniques (Individuals, HH and Communities for all survey rounds), Creation of data sets and cross-sectional regression analysis (starting from: selecting and determining variables) research, determining the sample, preparing a complete dataset, regression analysis, and displaying output in the form of tables and graphs).
The training went well and according to the expectations of participants and organizers. In the activity evaluation sheet some participants thanked SurveyMETER for their knowledge sharing activities and even suggested routine training every year. Some others express their "guts" straightforwardly.
"Until the training was finished I was still confused. Maybe because it is not yet familiar with STATA and IFLS data, which covers IFLS data, so I hope that in the initial session, each question variable will be explained first. Even though it requires a longer training time, I have no problem, "explained Faiza Yuniati SPd MKM, FKM UI Doctoral Program Student.
A similar sentiment was also conveyed by Fovilia Dewi SKM, from the Sungai Penuh City Health Office in Jambi Province who is pursuing her Masters at the UGM Faculty of Medicine. "In my opinion the method of delivering the material is good, it's just that we are not familiar with STATA so there must be 2 things we understand at the same time, namely STATA and IFLS data. In my opinion all trainees are advised to have basic STATA and have downloaded the IFLS questionnaire first. But apart from that, this 4 day training is very useful for me, "explained Fovi. (JF)