SurveyMETER's Social Activity for Purworejo Flood Victims



Flood disaster that struck several districts in Purworedjo at the end of December 2013 and the worst point  in the District of Butuh, inviting concern  from all walks of life  and institutions. Includes SurveyMETER that was motivated to share in helping to ease the burden of the victims. For SurveyMETER, Purworejo District has occupied  its own space in SurveyMETER's memory and history. In all the districts of Purworejo, SurveyMETER 's history was constructed by performing a longitudinal study HATAS (Survey on Health and Productivity) sinceround A round of 2001 to Q round of 2009.

On December 27, SurveyMETER conducted social activities for flood victims in Purworejo. The activity was represented by several staff SurveyMETER like Muhammad Mulia, Dani Alfah, and Sunar Indriati. They departed from the office carrying food aid in the form of packets of instant noodles, eggs, mineral water and biscuits to flood victims. A few days earlier, SurveyMETER staffs have visited prior to survey the target location and the type of assistance that is needed.

All assistance SurveyMETER distributed in four villages of the flood took it all in. the District of Butuh, Mangunjaya Village, Kedungsari Village, Sidomulyo Village, and Sumbersari Village. The four villages are the villages in the worst condition due to floods. Each point of the village to get help for the same amount. This assistance are submitted by SurveyMETER through the village head and local community leaders. This is done to avoid disturbing or scramble assistance. (TPA/JF_Trans by A5)