SurveyMETER in the 13th IRSA in Malang City

SurveyMETER is actively involved in the annual regional scientific conference forum initiated by The Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA). The 13th IRSA 2016 was held in Malang city on July 25-26, 2016, in collaboration with Brawijaya University.
SurveyMETER presented 2 working papers at the IRSA 13 conference. The first was titled The Role of Parental Genetic on Children's Socio-Economic Outcome: Empirical Evidence from Indonesia, submitted by Edy Purwanto M.Sc. It was authored by Edy Purwanto and co-authored by Ni Made Sukartini from Airlangga University and Albertus Girik Alo from Papua University.
The second one is entitled The Prevalence and Risk Factors of Dementia: Evidence from a Large-Scale Survey in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, presented by Teguh Yudo Wicaksono. It is authored by Ni Wayan Suriastini, Firman Witoelar, Bondan Supraptilah, Teguh Yudo Wicaksono, Endra Dwi Mulyanto from SurveyMETER, and Dr. Yuda Turana from UNIKA Atma Jaya Jakarta and Alzheimer's Indonesia Scientific Committee.
It is the result of the Dementia Study in the Special Region of Yogyakarta that was conducted from December 2015 to January 2016. It is an independent scientific study from SurveyMETER with support from the National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) through the Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI).
This study is the first study on dementia in Indonesia by taking a sample approach from the population with 1976 elderly respondents and 1415 caregivers in 1500 households. All of these respondents came from 100 villages/kelurahan spread across regencies/cities in DIY.
In addition to conducting conferences, on Sunday, July 24, 2016), the IRSA 13th granted perks to participants in the form of several scientific training forums. SurveyMETER filled it by training on data analysis and processing for the Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS) 1993-2014. The training materials were delivered by Firman Witoelar, Ph.D., Teguh Yudo Wicaksono, Ph.D., and Nur Suci Arnashanti.
SurveyMETER also benefited from the event to disseminate and launch IFLS5-2014 data to national and regional researchers and academics. RAND Corporation and SurveyMETER carried out the first phase of dissemination and soft-launching of IFLS5 data 2014 in front of international researchers and academics at the 2016 Population Association of America (PAA) Annual Meeting in March 31 to April 2, 2016, in Washington DC. (JF)