STAR-G Interviewer Candidate Training 2014-2015
- Tanggal : 08/08/2014 - 29/08/2014
- Lokasi : Balai Diklat Pekerjaan Umum, Kota Medan, Sumatra Utara
The field activity phase of Study of the Tsunami Aftermath and Recovery (STAR) or the Post-Tsunami Socio-Economic Survey (SASMI) round G or 6th round 2014-2015 commenced with the training of prospective study field assistants for household surveys. It took place from August 8 – 29, 2014, at the Public Works Training Center in Medan, attended by 180 participants to serve in the provinces of Aceh and North Sumatra (Nias).
Prof. Elizabeth Frankenberg, Ph.D., the representative of the principal investigator (PI) studies from Duke University as the funding organization, attended and opened the ceremonial first-day inauguration of training. Meanwhile, the Director of the Capacity Building Division, Dr. Ir. Cecep Sukria Sumantri, M.Sc., representing SurveyMETER.
STAR-G Data Editor Candidate Training
The training for prospective data editors began at the same place on the 13th day of August 20. Previously, several prospective editors and supervisors recruited from Yogyakarta had participated in preparatory training held at the SurveyMETER Office on July 22-26.
After completing the training, participants were divided into 23 teams (19 teams in Aceh and 4 teams in Nias), subsisting of 6 large teams and 17 small teams. The personnel formation of a small team subsists of four enumerators, one data editor, and one local supervisor, while a big team consists of six enumerators, two data editors, and one local supervisor. Meanwhile, the STAR-G Community and Facilities Survey Team (KOMFAS) training was planned for December 2014, after the majority of the household teams have completed their fieldwork in the main enumeration area. (JF)