General Lecture on Statistics at Muhammadiyah University Semarang

Monday, 20/05/2013Gedung NRC UNIMUS, Tembalang, Semarang

SurveyMETER Executive Director, Dr. Ni Wayan Suriastini, M.Phil, delivered Public Lecture material "The Role of Statistics in Surveys". (Photo: FMIPA.UNIMUS)

Increasing Research Understanding, Opening Collaboration Opportunities

On Tuesday, April 14, at the UNIMUS NRC Building in Tembalang, Semarang, the Undergraduate Statistics Study Program of the Faculty of Mathematics & Science, Muhammadiyah University of Semarang (FMIPA UNIMUS) presented a public lecture titled "The Role of Statistics in Surveys". The majority of students from the FMIPA UNIMUS Bachelor of Statistics Study Program as well as student representatives from all UNIMUS study programs attended the public lecture, which included Dr. Ni Wayan Suriastini, M. Phil, (Director of SurveyMETER) as the speaker.

Creswell defines research as “a process of steps used to collect and analyze information to increase our understanding of a topic or issue” (Creswell 2008, 14). People will always be involved in research because they are naturally curious and like to learn new things. Particularly for scholarly circles that are part of the scientific community. This requirement is well recognized by the UNIMUS FMIPA Statistics Undergraduate Study Program. Hence, it is vital to enhance comprehension of research. Additionally, a public lecture titled "The Role of Statistics in Surveys" was conducted to provide students the tools they need to continually comprehend research.

Kuliah umum UMS_2In her presentation, Dr. Ni Wayan Suriastini, M. Phil, clarified that in research activities, statistics includes planning, collection, data collection, interpretation, and conclusions. Within its scope, statistics controls four things; First, validity or use of appropriate measuring instruments. Second, the reliability or accuracy of the measurement technique. Third, integrity or minimizing bias and manipulation. Fourth, accuracy and thoroughness.

Furthermore, the METER Survey Director provided a thorough explanation of the use of statistics in research operations. In addition, it provides an explanation of a number of SurveyMETER study findings, including the problem of Indonesia's aging population and post-Bali bombing survival techniques. Thus, the attendees of the public lecture were ecstatic about the occasion. This can be seen during the busy discussion/question and answer session.

In her capacity as moderator, Muh. Yamin, S.Si., M.Si., concluded that the afternoon's open lecture was highly beneficial to the academic community and might be expanded upon in the future, maybe by forming a partnership for employment prospects. Dr. Rochdi Wasono, M.Si., the dean of FMIPA, expects that the Undergraduate Statistics Study Program FMIPA UNIMUS will regularly conduct this sort of activity so that students' perspectives will be expanded and they will be able to see other career paths. (–Ahsin Istighfari)
