Training for Cadres and Data Coordinator Regional Data Integration System for Village / Kelurahan and Nganjuk District
- Tanggal : 19/10/2020 - 29/10/2020
- Lokasi : Nganjuk District
The data collection activity program for the Village/Kelurahan and Regional Data Integration System in Nganjuk District in collaboration between the METER Survey and the Nganjuk District Government with the full support of the Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI) has entered the first period of training for cadres and data coordinators for 20 urban villages throughout Nganjuk District which spread over 5 sub-districts. The second period is planned later for the selected village data cadres and coordinators to adjust to the current conditions.
The training was attended by 95 data cadres and 20 data coordinators who were delegates from each village. Given the large number of participants and for the sake of ensuring the Covid-19 health protocol, the training was divided into 3 waves. Batch 1 was held on 19-21 October 2020, attended by 30 data cadres and 8 data coordinators from 8 urban villages. Batch 2 was held on October 22-24, 2020 attened by 30 data cadres and 7 data coordinators from 7 urban villages. Wave 3 was held on October 26-28, 2020, attened by 35 data cadres and 5 data coordinators from 5 urban villages. The entire series of training was carried out in the Anjuk Ladang Room, which is located on the 2nd Floor of the Bappeda Building, Nganjuk District.