Dissemination of Data Collection Findings for Aging Study in the Districts of Sleman and Gunungkidul
Wednesday, 17/05/2023

Karinakas Foundation, in close collaboration with SurveyMETER, held a Dissemination of Data Collection Findings for Aging Study on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, at the Aveon Hotel Yogyakarta. It is one of a series of studies on Health and Healthy Aging Services in the Districts of Sleman and Gunungkidul which is also collaborating with SurveyMETER.
The dissemination was carried out in collaboration with the Governments of Sleman and Gunungkidul Districts under support from the Caritas International and Caritas Indonesia institutions.
The dissemination participants comprise representatives from the Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY) province, namely the DIY Elderly Commission and the DIY Social Service. Then representatives from related agencies from Gunungkidul and Sleman districts consisted of the Social Service, Health Office, DP3AP2KB, Agrarian Affairs & Spatial Planning, Department of Population and Civil Registration, Human Development and Cultural Affairs, BAPPEDA, Sub-district Social Welfare Worker (TKSK), and representatives of active aging cadres.
The event commenced with remarks from the Secretary of the Gunungkidul and Sleman Regency Social Services, then succeeded by a speech by the Director of Karinakas, RM Martinus Sutomo Pr. He expressed his gratitude to all parties who supported this activity, including SurveyMETER, who had fostered from initial preparation to preparing the report.
“Hopefully, the results of this activity will be advantageous for improving older adult care services in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY),” disclosed RM Martinus Sutomo.

Furthermore, the presentation of the dissemination material was delivered by Sister M. Huberta FSGM from Karinakas as the activity coordinator. She conveyed the process of field activities, what had been done, and follow-up plans that would be carried out. The study was conducted in one village each in Sleman and Gunungkidul Districts.
The subsequent presentation was delivered by Dr. Ni Wayan Suriatini, M.Phil, Executive Director of SurveyMETER, who presented the results of the related study. Among the pivotal points from the study conclusions, Suriastini conveyed, referring to the findings of a data collection study which captured the condition of older adult citizens in the two study areas, including older people who need the Long-Term Care (LTC) Program and their needs, it is necessary to improve the quality of elderly care services at Community Health Centers which can be utilized as means and capital in improving older adult services at the facility.
“Therefore, an elderly integrated community-based health service system (community care hub) is also needed to improve health services for older adults,” insisted Suriastini.