Agus Abidin, SP

IT Staf

Agus Abidin, SP

A Bachelor of Agriculture graduate from Sebelas Maret University Surakarta, Agus Abidin has joined SurveyMETER as a programmer since 2002 and has been involved in various projects including: the 2004 Transitional Economic and Social Survey in Bali (EST-Bali), Study of Post Tsunami Social Economic Aspects 2,3,4 Households (SASMI-2 KOMFAS) 2006-2007, Indonesia Family Life Survey 4 (IFLS 4) 2007, Health and Productivity Survey, Household Round N (HATAS HH N) 2008, Water Impact Evaluation Study 2008 and Sanitation (WSLIC-2) 2010, Purworejo Elderly Study (LANSIA-CAPI) 2011, 2011 Indonesian Sanitation Survey (SSI).