IT Staff
Amalia Rifana Widiastuti, S.Kom.
After graduating from the D3 Computer and Information University of Gajah Mada in 2002, Amalia Rifana Widiastuti or commonly called Lia joined SurveyMETER as a Junior Programmer. Lia was trusted to be a Lead Programmer in 2005 and then continued her Bachelor of Computer at Yogyakarta University of Technology in 2011. Projects that have been undertaken include: Indonesia Family Life Survey – East (IFLS East – 2012), STAR (Survey of Tsunami Aftermath and Recovery) Project (2012- 2013), Indonesia Family Life Survey Comunitas & Facility (IFLS5 CF – 2014), Tobacco and Clove Farmers Livelihood Projects, LANDSCAPE STUDY OF GOVERNMENT-TO-PERSON (G2P) PAYMENTS, World Value Survey - Wave 7, Harmonization of LKD and Laku Pandai.