Mbak Lia

IT Staff

Amalia Rifana Widiastuti, S.Kom.

After graduating from the D3 Computer and Information University of Gajah Mada in 2002, Amalia Rifana Widiastuti or commonly called Lia joined SurveyMETER as a Junior Programmer. Lia was trusted to be a Lead Programmer in 2005 and then continued her Bachelor of Computer at Yogyakarta University of Technology in 2011. Projects that have been undertaken include: Indonesia Family Life Survey – East (IFLS East – 2012), STAR (Survey of Tsunami Aftermath and Recovery) Project (2012- 2013), Indonesia Family Life Survey Comunitas & Facility (IFLS5 CF – 2014), Tobacco and Clove Farmers Livelihood Projects, LANDSCAPE STUDY OF GOVERNMENT-TO-PERSON (G2P) PAYMENTS, World Value Survey - Wave 7, Harmonization of LKD and Laku Pandai.