Administration and Human Resource Staff
Dian Hestina Dwiyanti, S.Si
Dian Hestina Dwiyanti or commonly called Hesti, has joined SurveyMETER since 2003. Hesti completed her undergraduate program at the Faculty of Biology, Gadjah Mada University and currently holds administrative and personnel positions at SurveyMETER. Hesti has been involved in quite a number of projects during SurveyMETER, including: Studi Aspek Sosial Ekonomi Paska Tsunami Tahap 1 (The Study of the Aftermath of Tsunami and Recovery in Indonesia Round 1 (STAR-1 HH), Indonesia Family Life Survey 4 dan 5, Household (IFLS 4 & 5HH),The Based Line Basic Education Capacity-Trust Fund (BEC-TF) / Local Government Capacity Survey (LGCS), Post Implementation Household Survey and Impact Assessment of Second Water Sanitation for Low Income Communities Project (WSLIC-2 Project), School Based Management Baseline Survey, Survei Sosial Ekonomi Rumah Tangga Indonesia, Baseline (SUSETI CS1), Monitoring of Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) Recertification Survey/ Monitoring Pendataan Ulang PKH.