Research Staff
M Fajar Suminto, S.Pd.I
Muhammad Fajar Fasuminto or usually called as Fajar has joined SurveyMETER since 2006. He finished his study at Tarbiyah Faculty, Chemistry Education Department and now works as researcher. Fajar has involved in several studies: Harmonization of LKD and Laku pandai (LKD), Urban Perception Survey (SUPERTA), Cocoa Life Lampung and Soppeng, Study of School Based Management, 2011, Baseline Data Collection for the Impact Evaluation of Total Sanitation & Sanitation Marketing (TSSM/STOPS) in Indonesia, Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS) Community dan Facility, Phase 4 (Panel Survey), RAND 2007, STAR (The Study of The Aftermath of Tsunami and Recovery in Indonesia) wave C-G, 2006-2014.