Knowledge Management Division Coordinator
Roni Hermoko, SE, M.I.P.
Roni Hermoko has joined SurveyMETER Indonesia since 2002. He completed the Master of Government Science program at Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah University and is currently at SurveyMETER as Knowledge Management Coordinator. Projects that have been undertaken include: The Study of The Aftermath of Tsunami and Recovery in Indonesia ( STAR ), Indonesia Family Life Survey 4, CF Survey (IFLS-4 CF), East Indonesian Family Life Survey, HH and CF Survey, Baseline Data collection for the Impact Evaluation of Total Sanitation & Sanitation Marketing (TSSM/STOPS) In Indonesia, PEKKA Baseline Survey (Rural Household Survey), Effective Targeting of Anti Poverty Programs II, MFS II Country Evaluations – Endline.