Iip Umar Rifa'i

IT Support Division Coordinator

Iip Umar Rifa'i

As an alumni of the Bogor Institute of Agriculture, he first started his career as one of the CAFE (Computer Assisted Field Editing) editors for the IFLS 2 (Indonesian Family Life Survey) project in East Java. The quality of work during the field made him trusted to lead the IFLS 2 Data Cleaning activity, then successively trusted to lead computerization in the IFLS 3 Survey project, The Work and Iron Status Evaluation (WISE), The Study of the Tsunami Aftermath and Recovery (STAR),  The Individual Deprivation Measure and lead the computerization of many other large survey projects carried out by the SurveyMETER.

He also helped the Mexican Family Life Survey (MXFLS) team to create a data entry application for the survey of MXFLS respondents who migrated from Mexico to USA. Mastering many programming and scripting languages ​​(Stata, CSPro, PHP, Harbor / xHarbour, python, javascript, HTML and others), mastering many types of databases, also mastering the Windows and Linux operating systems, currently also building and maintaining Linux servers for data center at SurveyMETER.