Ir. Cecep Sukria Sumantri, M.Sc.


Dr. Cecep Sukria Sumantri

Sumantri was involved in large-scale panel studies such as Study of the Tsunami Aftermath and Recovery (STAR) , Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS), Work and Iron Status Evaluation (WISE); impact evaluation research using randomized controlled trials in collaboration with The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (JPAL); and other studies funded by the World Bank. Sumantri has experience in conducting quantitative, qualitative, and mixed research with a focus on research on demographic, social, and non-medical health. Sumantri plays an important role in maintaining and improving data quality during the process of field data collection and data cleaning at the head office


  1. Frankenberg, Elizabeth, Cecep Sumantri, and Duncan Thomas. (2020). Effects of a natural disaster on mortality risks over the longer term. Nature Sustainability.
  2. Thomas, Duncan, Elizabeth Frankenberg, Teresa Seeman, and Cecep Sumantri. (2018). Effects of stress on cardiometabolic health 12 years after the Indian Ocean tsunami: a quasi-experimental longitudinal study. The Lancet Meeting Abstracts, Volume 2 Special Issue, S8, May 01, 2018. DOI:  
  3. Thomas, Duncan, Teresa Seeman, Alan Potter, Peifeng Hu, Eileen Crimmins, Elizabeth Henny Herningtyas, Cecep Sumantri, and Elizabeth Frankenberg. (2018). HPLC-based measurement of glycated hemoglobin using dried blood spots collected under adverse conditions. in Biodemography and Social Biology. 64(1): 43-62. PMCID: PMC6173327. doi: 10.1080/19485565.2018.1451300
  4. Ho, Jessica, Elizabeth Frankenberg, Cecep Sumantri, and Duncan Thomas. (2017). Adult Mortality Five Years after a Natural Disaster. Population and Development Review. 43(3: 467490. DOI:
  5.  Frankenberg, Elizabeth; Sumantri, Cecep; & Thomas, Duncan. (2016). The Evolution of Well-Being in the Aftermath of a Disaster: Evidence from Aceh and North Sumatra. Chapter 2 in James, Helen & Paton, Douglas (Eds.), The Consequences of Disasters: Demographic, Planning, and Policy Implications (pp. 19-38). Springfield, Ill.: Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Ltd.
  6. Gray, Clark, Elizabeth Frankenberg, Cecep Sumantri, and Duncan Thomas. (2014). “Studying Displacement after a Disaster Using Large Scale Survey Methods: Sumatra after the 2004 Tsunami”. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 104(3): 594-612. doi: 10.1080/00045608.2014.892351.
  7. Frankenberg, E., Sikoki, B., Sumantri, C., Suriastini, W., & Thomas, D. (2013). Education, Vulnerability, and Resilience after a Natural Disaster. Ecology and Society, 18(2). doi:10.5751/es-05377-180216
  8. Cecep Sukria Sumantri. (2013). Rumah Tangga Migran dan Kesehatan Anak yang Ditinggalkan, Analisa Data Sakerti 2007. Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora Kawistra. Vol 3, No.1, 2013. DOI:
  9. Thomas, D., F. Witoelar, E. Frankenberg, B. Sikoki, J. Strauss, C. Sumantri and W. Suriastini. (2012).  Cutting the Costs of Attrition: Results from the Indonesia Family Life Survey, Journal of Development Economics, Vol.98, Issue 1, p. 108-123.
  10. Frankenberg, E., Nobles, J., & Sumantri, C. (2012). Community Destruction and Traumatic Stress in Post-Tsunami Indonesia. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 53(4), 498–514. doi:10.1177/0022146512456207
  11. Elizabeth Frankenberg, Jenna Nobles and Cecep Sumantri. (2012). Community Destruction and Traumatic Stress in Post-Tsunami in Indonesia. Journal of Health and Social Behaviour. 53(4) : 500-516, 2012. doi: 10.1177/0022146512456207
  12. Elizabeth Frankenberg, Jed Friedman, Fadia Saadah, Bondan Sikoki, Wayan Suriastini, Cecep Sumantri, and Duncan Thomas. (2008). “Assessing Health and Education Services in the Aftermath of a Disaster.” Chapter 8 in Are You Being Served?: New Tools for Measuring Service Delivery. (p.233-249). Editors: Samia Amin, Jishnu Das, Markus Goldstein, Washington, DC: Palgrave Macmillan/World Bank. World Bank Publications.
  13. Frankenberg, Elizabeth, Jed Friedman, Thomas Gillespie, Nicholas Ingwersen, Robert Pynoos, Iip Umar Rifai, Bondan Sikoki, Alan Steinberg, Cecep Sumantri, Wayan Suriastini, and Duncan Thomas. (2008). Mental Health in Sumatra After the Tsunami. American Journal of Public Health, 98(9), 1671–1677. doi:10.2105/ajph.2007.120915 

Paper :

  1. Elizabeth Frankenberg, Cecep Sumantri, and Duncan Thomas. 2014. The Evoluation of Well-Being in the Aftermath of a Disaster : Evidence from Aceh and North Sumatera. Paper presented to the 5th  International Conference on Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies, UIN Ar-Raniry, Banda Aceh, November 12-19 2014.
  2. Amar Hamoudi, Elizabeth Frankenberg, and Cecep Sumantri. 2012. Impact of the December 2004 Tsunami on Birth Outcomes in Aceh. Paper presented to the Population Association of America, Hilton San Francisco Union Square, San Francisco CA, May 3-5, 2012.
  3. Clark Gray, Elizabeth Frankenberg, Thomas Gillespie, Cecep Sumantri and Duncan Thomas. 2009. Tsunami-induced Displacement in Sumatra, Indonesia. Paper presented to the Carolina Population Center, Chapel Hill, February 27, 2009; The Association of American Geographers, Las Vegas, March 22-27, 2009; The Population Association of America, Detroit, April 30-May 2, 2009, and the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, Marrakech, September 27-October 2, 2009.
  1. Population Displacement and Mobility in Sumatra after the Tsunami Clark Gray1 , Elizabeth Frankenberg1 , Thomas Gillespie2 , Cecep Sumantri3 , and Duncan Thomas1 August 2009.
  2. Bondan Sikoki, Cecep S Sumantri, Wayan Suriastini. 2008. Method of Tracking the Displaced : A Lesson from the Study of the Aftermath of Tsunami and Recovery in Indonesia. Paper presented to the Population Association of America, New Orleans, April 16-19, 2008; and the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population 2009, Marrakech, September 27-October 2, 2009.
  3. Elizabeth Frankenberg, Jed Friedman, Nick Ingwersen, Jenna Nobles, Fadia Saadah, Wayan SuriastiniCecep S Sumantri. 2006. The Impact of a Disaster on Life in Sumatra: Evidence from Before and After the December 26 Tsunami. Paper presented at the Population Association of America, 2006 Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, March. 29 – 1 April, 2006.
  4. Cecep Sumantri; Dani Alfah; Mohammad Mulia; Iip U. Rifai. Issues Related to Data Collection in a Disastrous Area ­ A Lesson from The Study of the Aftermath of Tsunami and Recovery in Indonesia. Poster Paper, presented at the Population Association of America, 2006 Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, March 29-1 April, 2006.
  5. Duncan Thomas, Elizabeth Frankenberg, Jed Friedman, Jean-Pierre Habicht, Mohammed Hakimi, Nicholas Ingwersen, Jaswadi, Nathan Jones, Christopher McKelvey, Gretel Pelto, Bondan Sikoki, Teresa Seeman, James P. Smith, Cecep Sumantri, Wayan Suriastini, Siswanto Wilopo. 2006. Causal Effect of Health on Labor Market Outcomes: Experimental Evidence. California Center for Population Research, University of California, Los Angeles. On-Line Working Paper Series. Paper CCPR-070-06, September 2006.
  6. Duncan Thomas, Elizabeth Frankenberg, Jed Friedman, Jean-Pierre Habicht, Mohammed Hakimi, Jaswadi, Nathan Jones, Christopher McKelvey, Gretel Pelto, Bondan Sikoki,Teresa Seeman, James P. Smith, Cecep Sumantri, Wayan Suriastini, Siswanto Wilopo. 2004. Iron deficiency and the well-being of older adults: Early results from a randomized nutrition intervention. Paper presented at the Population Association of America, 2003 Annual Meetings, Minneapolis, April 2003; and the International Studies in Health and Economic Development Network meeting, San Francisco, May 2003. On-Line Working Paper Series at the California Center for Population Research, University of California, Los Angeles. Paper CCPR-022-04, April 1, 2004.
  7. Duncan Thomas, Elizabeth Frankenberg, Jed Friedman, Jean-Pierre Habicht, Mohammed Hakimi, Nicholas Ingwersen, Jaswadi, Nathan Jones, Christopher McKelvey, Gretel Pelto, Bondan Sikoki, Teresa Seeman, James P. Smith, Cecep Sumantri, Wayan Suriastini, Siswanto Wilopo. 2004. Causal Effect of Health on Labor Market Outcomes : Evidence from a random assignment Iron Supplementation Intervention. Paper presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting. Boston, April 2004.
  8. Duncan Thomas, Elizabeth Frankenberg, Jed Friedman, Jean Pierre Habicht, Mohammed Hakimi, Jaswadi, Nathan Jones, Gretel Pelto, Bondan Sikoki, Teresa Seeman, James P. Smith, Cecep Sumantri, Wayan Suriastini, Siswanto Wilopo. 2003. "Iron Deficiency and the Well-being of Older Adults" . Paper presented at the IHEA World Congress 2003 Session, Health and Economic Interactions in Developing Countries June 16, 11.15-12.30.