Research Staff
Tri Rahayu, S.Pt.
Tri Rahayu joined SurveyMETER in 2002. Graduated from Faculty of Social and Political Science, Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta, she now works as senior researcher. Rahayu has involved in various projects : Micro Foundation of Health and Development –Worker Iron Supplementation Evaluation Project - Round A (HATAS A - Screening), 2001 as enumerator, Round B, Round C, Round D 2002 as editor/enumerator, Round E, Round F, Round G 2003, DAFEP (Decentralized Agricultural and Forestry Extension Evaluation Project) 2006, STAR (The Study of The Aftermath of Tsunami and Recovery in Indonesia) phase 2, household survey, 2006-2007, Health and Productivity Survey - Round M and Round Q tahun 2006, PNPM-PPK Impact Evaluation Survey (SEDAP) 2010, Post Implementation Household Survey and Impact Assessment of Second Water Sanitation for Low Income Communities Project (WSLIC-2 Project) 2010, School-based Management Survey (MBS Qualitative) 2011, Raskin Distribution Survey 2011, MDGs Development in Indonesia (MFS II) Baseline 2012 (E8), Age-friendly Cities Assessment (AFC) 2013, IFLS 5 – Household survey 2014, Survei Sosial Ekonomi Rumah Tangga Perdesaan (SUSERDES-KOMPAK) 2015, Tobacco Farmer Livelihood Survey 2016.