Research Staff
Fita Herawati, S.T.P., M.M.
She joined SurveyMETER in 2002 as an interviewer at the HATAS Survey, although he had previously been together at IFLS-3 in 2000. As a staff, she involved in quantitative and qualitative research activities including as a team development questionnaire, making manuals for questionnaires, became the field coordinator, the data analysis team, and wrote the research report. Some of the quantitative studies that she involved include: The Indonesia Family Life Survey 4 (IFLS 4) 2007; The Effectively Targeting Anti-Poverty Programs di Sulawesi Selatan 2008; The Based Line Basic Education Capacity-Trust Fund (BEC-TF) which call as Local Government Capacity; Survey (LGCS) 2009, Study of Teacher Ceritification (SSG) 2009; School Basic Management Survey (SBM) 2010; Survey on Total Sanitation and Sanitation Marketing (TSSM) 2010, School Basic Management Survey 2011; The Indonesia Family Life Survey East Indonesia 2012; MFS II Country Evaluation 2012; Local Government Capacity Assessment (LGCA) 2012; dan Early Childhood Education and Nutrition 2013.
Penelitian kualitatif yang dilakukan: The Second Water Sanitation Low Income (WISLIC-2) 2010; Qualitative Study of BOS Social Marketing and Information Campaign and Qualitative 2011, Early Childhood Education and Nutrition 2013.