
Presentation of the Results of the Provincial and District/City SKK-BPS Survey Analysis in the Special Region of Yogyakarta

  • Tanggal : 23/11/2015 - 23/11/2015
  • Lokasi : Merapi Merbabu Hotel, Sleman, DIY

SurveyMETER held a presentation of the results of the provincial and district/city SKK-BPS survey analysis in the Special Region of Yogyakarta on Monday, November 23, 2015, at Merapi Merbabu Hotel. In addition to presenting the results of the global survey, it is also intended to accommodate inputs in the preparation of the final survey report.

The officials of BPS Provincial and District/City officials in the Special Region of Yogyakarta attended the agenda, such as the Head of BPS, Head of Administration, Contract Procurement Officer (PPK), Head of IPDS (Statistical Dissemination Processing Integration), Procurement Officer, Recipient of Goods/Services Officer, and Head of Network and Data Communications. Meanwhile, the five districts/cities were respectively attended by five people each, namely the Head of District/City BPS, Head of Sub-Division of Administration, Head of IPDS (Statistical Dissemination Processing Integration), and Procurement Officer of Goods/Services.

The event was inaugurated by the SurveyMETER Personnel Division Head, Muhammad Mulia, M.Sc, representing the Director, then followed by remarks from the Head of BPS DIY, Dr. Bambang K, also the Division Head of Research of SurveyMETER, Edy Purwanto, SP, M.Sc delivered the presentation results of the SKK-BPS survey analysis. (JF)

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