A Monitoring Study of the 2011 BOS Program Implementation
Tuesday, 12/07/2011
The English version of this study is called End-line Study on the Effectiveness of BOS-KITA National and District Campaign. It is an independent monitoring survey of the implementation of the BOS-KITA Program which aims to monitor the medium-term progress of BOS implementation and identify critical aspects of decentralized BOS implementation for improvement. Setting up impartial oversight is not meant to take the place of the government's role in monitoring and evaluation (M&E). However, to improve already-in-place systems while concurrently working to deliver fast, reliable information on program successes and failures.
In 19 districts and cities across nine provinces, 726 schools (public and private, SD and SMP) participated in this survey. The 2008–2009 BOS Program was implemented in two phases, the first of which was this monitoring study, which was conducted in late 2009 and early 2010.
The BOS Social Marketing Program and Information Promotion Campaign Evaluation Study used the same school sample as this study, so field data collecting for both studies was done concurrently. The monitoring study's field team adhered to the same path as the quantitative team's campaign assessment research for the BOS Program. Data collection commenced from April 26 to July 2, 2011.
This research employs a structured questionnaire and a quantitative methodology. Principals and committees at schools are the intended targeted respondents for these responses. The study team has to gather documents that are utilized to document crucial information on proof of receipt of BOS funding and their allocation in addition to conducting interviews. (JF)