Dissemination of the Study Results of Age-Friendly Cities Capacity Assessment of Depok City
- Tanggal : 25/06/2013 - 25/06/2013
- Lokasi : 1st Floor Meeting Room of Yogyakarta Mayor's Office
Depok City is one of the destinations for disseminating the Age-Friendly Cities Capacity Assessment results, held in the Room Edelweiss of Depok Mayor's Office on Tuesday, June 25, 2013.
It was carried out in a limited workshop with the theme “Satu Langkah Menuju Impian Lanjut Usia Kota Ramah lanjut Usia 2030” translated as “One Step Towards Elderly’s Dream of Age-Friendly City 2030”. The Mayor of Depok, KH. Idris Abdul Somad, attended the dissemination directly. In addition, it was also followed by a number of officials from related SKPD within the Depok City Government such as BAPEDDA, the Health Office, and several other SKPD. It was also attended by the management of the Elderly Commission of Depok City, representatives from CAS-UI, and representatives from several foundations related to the elderly in Depok.
The Executive Director, Dr. Ir Ni Wayan Suriastini, M.Phil, represented SurveyMETER and delivered dissemination materials, accompanied by research staff, Endra Dwi Mulyanto. (JF)