Study on Nutrition Education (SEN) ECED 2013

Sunday, 10/03/2013SurveyMETER

Conditions and activities in one of the PAUD samples during the study team conducted an observation visit on February 6, 2013 (Photo: Doc SEN-PAUD/SM)

Providing Data for Holistic Nutrition Education

Nutritional issues are a basic factor in various health problems for infants and children. They are quite tricky in Indonesia, in addition to protein-energy insufficiency (short and skinny), lack of vitamin A, iron substance anemia, and iodine deficiency, but problems ensued of excess nutrition (overweight) at the same time. Nutritional and nourishment issues occur among others due to low access to food; the diet of pregnant women causes lacking calories and protein or being sick; newborns babies are not given colostrum; the baby supplied complementary feeding (PA-ASI) prior to 4/6 months of age; very too late of feeding solid food to the baby; children under two years are given less food or having less energy density; insufficient food levels of micronutrients; improper handling of diarrhea; and eating dirty and contaminated food.

Examining the complexity of nutritional issues and the ineffectiveness and low commitment to nutrition establishment, all society components need to participate in overcoming the issues. The government needs to be supported by the private sector, donors, CSR of companies, non-governmental organizations, societal institutions, community leaders, teachers, and parents for optimal results in these efforts, including nutrition education and its fulfillment.

Nutrition experts argue this education needs to implement integrally with human daily life as holistic education that touches all aspects of the human body. So education learning may not only halt at the physical and intellectual level but also has to cultivate feelings and touch the soul as exemplified by Indonesian poets and educational figures, such as Mangkunegoro IV through worship, taste, and intention in Wadatama; Ronggowarsito in the prophecy of Jangka Jayabaya; and Ki Hadjar Dewantara with his struggle Taman Siswa.

The above background is the impetus for SurveyMETER to vigorously conduct self-initiated research for knowledge products, one of which is entitled Study on Nutrition Education (SEN) ECED 2013 to provide an understanding of the management of ECED, the learning process, and educators' roles pertaining to learning programs and child development; analyze the influence of nutrition education from parents and the education provided by teachers with their professional abilities in educating children to affect the child's growth and development; the effect of providing integral nutrition education to parents on increasing parental knowledge impacted on improving children's nutrition and health. In addition to improving children's nutrition, it is expected that nutrition education will have a greater impact on parents' behavior and confidence in child nutrition issues.

It was conducted in 2 to 3 rural/urban villages to interview facilities and 1800 parents of children who sampled from 360 early childhood education facilities (Kindergarten/Playgroup/Similar Unit). Samples were taken from the formal ECED facilities such as Taman Kanak-Kanak (TK)/Raudhatul Athfal (RA) and the non-formal entities such as Play Group (KB) or Similar ECED Unit (SPS) in one village. The project is supported by the AusAID Knowledge Sector.

In regard to the progress of the study implementation, according to one of the field implementing coordinators, Lazimah, the data entry process has already been completely carried out. "We schedule the end of March to finalize the double-entry and the final field report may be accomplished at the end of April," she said.  [Jen Fauzan]