STATA Basic Training for the JHPiego Jakarta Staff
- Tanggal : 19/05/2016 - 19/05/2016
- Lokasi : Hotel Santika Yogyakarta
The Johns Hopkins Program for International Education in Gynecology and Obstetrics (JHPiego) Jakarta trusted SurveyMETER to provide basic statistics training to their research staff, which took place on May 19, 2016, at Hotel Santika Yogyakarta.
JHPiego is a global non-profit organization engaged in the health sector and affiliated with Johns Hopkins University The first stage of training relates to the monitoring and evaluation of the ongoing JHPiego program, namely Expanding Maternal and Neonatal Survival (EMAS). Ten participants attended the training.
Acting as presenters were Edy Purwanto (researcher) and Nur Suci Arnashanti (programmer) from SurveyMETER. Substantially, the content training was very different from the Stata training frequently held by SurveyMETER previously. The dataset of the Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS) used to be the focus of training, especially on the utilization and preparation, while this occasion concentrates on processing the data collected in the EMAS program. The major training material is to compile the use of tabulating functions for reports in the EMAS program.
The Director of Monitoring and Evaluation of the EMAS Program, Mr. Ali Zazri, in the closing remarks, stated to hope that this training can improve the capability of JHPiego's research staff in preparing EMAS research reports and other research results.