The implementation of TAF in SurveyMETER

Friday, 24/06/2011

Visit and meeting with The Asia Foundation team, 21 June 2011

July 2010 SurveyMETER was selected as a participant in the Knowledge Sector Development Program for the policies implemented by The Asia Foundation. This program aims to develop an institute to be advanced and give a large contribution to the development of science in Indonesia. This certainly is a joy for all staff of SurveyMETER.

Pelatihan Linux TAF
Linux training supported by TAF as a program to increase Capacity Technical Powering, 23 June 2011

With assistance from the Asia Foundation staff various program had been compiled. In general, the program was divided into 2 Capacity Powering Organization and Capacity Technical Powering Capacity. Several activities that had been and are being run include: SOP Improvement and Evaluation, meetings discussing Structure and Mechanism of Organization and Organizational inventory and comparative study of organizational capacity. Meanwhile for Technical Powering Capacity such as: Stata inhouse training, English training, writing papers, journals and scientific works and the few activities that engaged the outside community, such as seminars and workshops.

After 10 months, this program had shown positive results in increasing the capacity of staff and institutions. This is shown from the ability of staff in the field of data analysis that began to rise. The increase was also seen in the capacity of institutions. This is evident from the many institutions and individuals in Indonesia who proposed cooperation with SurveyMETER both for surveying and in completing the study. (SM)