The Elderly Posyandu is One of the Forums for Fostering the Elderly to Stay in Shape
Wednesday, 24/05/2017Bantul, DIY
The attendance of the elderly posyandu in each hamlet was very much needed by the elderly as a forum for fostering them until they can enjoy their old age by staying fit, independent, and even productive. For this reason, SurveyMETER in collaboration with the Bappeda of Bantul district carried out a workshop on elderly participation in the elderly posyandu activities through Bantul district village fund documents, taking place on the 3rd-floor of the Parasamya Complex Main Building, Bantul, Tuesday, May 23, 2017.
According to Mujahid Amirudin from Bappeda as the organizer, in his report, there 100 people were invited to the workshop consisting of representatives of the Bantul Apparatus Organization, sub-district head, head of the Puskesmas, the village head, Bantul Elderly Commission, and Posyandu cadres throughout Bantul district. The legal basis includes Law No. 08 of 1998 concerning Elderly Welfare to the Minister of Social Affairs Regulation No. 19 of 2012 concerning Guidelines for Elderly Social Services.
It expects that a joint commitment would be created from this workshop between the relevant Bantul Apparatus Organization at the regional level to the village government level to carry out a mentoring program for the elderly in Bantul district.
Meanwhile, the written Bantul Regent's remarks whose read by the Assistant for Economic and Development Affairs, Ir. Heru Suhadi, M.T., among others said the elderly are an inevitability human condition that is getting older that nobody could avoid. Yet, although we are elderly, we must strive to remain healthy, productive, independent, and of high quality.
"Let us interpret this life to continue to live and work, so we have to be able to maintain health. Moreover, the elderly who are full of life experience still need ideas and thoughts in regional development to move forward," said the Bantul Regent in his written speech.
Mr. Heru representing the Bantul Regent at the event was pleased to hand over a memento of the elderly t-shirt to Darsono, the Head of Welfare of Triharjo Pandak Village representing the Village Heads in Bantul Regency, and to Dr. Anugrah representing health practitioners as Coordinator of health assistance for the elderly in Bantul Regency.
There were several resource persons in this workshop, including the Director of SurveyMETER Yogyakarta, Dr. Wayan Suryastini explained the results of the research 'Challenges and Prospects of Male Elderly Participation in Posyandu Activities in Village Planning Documents', Head of Bappeda Bantul Regency, Ir. Fenty Yusdayati, MT, with the title 'Policy on Social Development Focus on Empowering the Elderly in Bantul District.
The other two resource persons were Nanang Mujiyanto, S. STP from the Village Government Administration with the title 'Village Regulations Towards Increasing Social Participation of the Elderly in the Elderly Posyandu' and from the Bantul District Health Office, dr. Anugrah delivered the theme 'Management of the Elderly Posyandu towards an Elderly-Friendly Posyandu'.
According to Ir. Fenty Yusdayanti, MT that the direction of the social development policy focuses on empowering the elderly in Bantul district in accordance with the vision of the Bantul Regent, namely healthy, smart and prosperous towards a more advanced Bantul.
With life expectancy in Bantul at the age of 73.44, the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) at the age of 74 years, the elderly in Bantul receive good attention from the government, the community, and especially their families. "For this reason, some of the contents of Law No. 13 of 1998 include increasing the role of families and communities in assisting the elderly, increasing Intra and inter-Apparatus Organization coordination in the elderly assistance program," he said.
The Department of Health has an elderly mentoring program including the elderly-polite health center, home care, nutrition services for the elderly, and the posyandu for the elderly. Meanwhile, Nanang Mujiyanto said that the village funds were quite large and several elderly assistance programs had been listed, so it was just a matter of how village policies could provide funds for assisting the elderly in a more compassionate manner.
Deriving out of SurveyMETER, which is an independent institution, said that this workshop was the result of research on 'Challenges and Participation Programs for Elderly Men in Elderly Posyandu Activities in 2017' in several regions in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY). (sit)