Kulon Progo Regency Government Welcomes Dementia Study Recommendations
Friday, 01/04/2016DI Yogyakarta
The Dementia Study in the Special Region of Yogyakarta was conducted independently by SurveyMETER commenced the dissemination stage to stakeholders in the sample districts/cities. The first dissemination through formal hearings was carried out to the Kulon Progo district government, where took place on Thursday, March 31, 2016, at the Glass Building, the complex of district government center Kulon Progo..
The Deputy Regent of Kulon Progo, Drs. H. Sutedjo, welcomed the research team. He was accompanied by the Deputy Director of Wates Hospital (dr. Johannes Witanto), the Assistant District Head for Welfare (Lestaryono, M.Kes), a representative from the Health Service (Ari Tuti U., SKM), and a representative from the Welfare Section of the Kulon Progo Regional Secretary.
It was assigned with presentations of study results and then responses, input, and discussions. The research team leader, Dr. Ni Wayan Suriastini, M.Phil, and research member, Teguh Yudo Wicaksono, Ph.D., presented the study results. It generally shows that the prevalence of dementia in Kulon Progo is 2 to 3 times the global prevalence rate. It has the second-highest rank after Gunungkidul. The Kulon Progo district government through the Deputy Regent and other audience participants responded well to the study results.
“The data from this research is a portrait of Kulon Progo and the Special Region of Yogyakarta in general that must be accepted and addressed. This data is an important input for Kulon Progo, especially the Health Service, district hospital (RSUD), and Public Health Centers throughout Kulon Progo,” said Deputy Regent Tedjo in his response after first expressing his gratitude for conducting this study.
He conveyed the dissemination of dementia is important and calls for implementation to be properly and publicly perceived the existence. So, the negative stigma of society that points out senile disease as a natural symptom may be changed. "We expect the elderly may enjoy a long and healthy life without senile dementia is part of what we will strive for," said Deputy Regent Tedjo.
According to Tedjo, the research triggers further studies to conduct. It is mainly related to some facts and figures from the study results in Kulon Progo are different from other regencies/cities. However, the Kulon Progo district government agrees that efforts to prevent early dementia are very important. “The technical government work units will administer it. The health center as the extension of the service are prohibited to solely waiting for any action but has to fetch the initiative to do, such as by visiting the community by socializing the results of this study, educating the community to know the symptoms of dementia," He said while emphasizing the insistence of the word 'community' attached to the puskesmas.
Since the 2016 RAPBD has been tapped, the planned program of activities related to study recommendations will have been planned by the 2017 budget, 2018, and beyond, but the easiest thing is the Kulon Progo health office immediately followed up on the study recommendations by making a leaflet containing the socialization and campaign of dementia symptoms. The health office would use similar program funds in the 2016 budget that have not been allocated. The socialization material would wait for input from SurveyMETER and the Indonesian Alzheimer's Foundation (ALZI).
At the end of the event, Pak Tedjo, audience participants, and the research team took a group photo. He swiftly displayed the flyer for the campaign "Don't Underestimate of Senile Dementia, Recognize 10 Common Symptoms of Alzheimer's Dementia". (JF)